File compression program (compress) release 2.0

Joe Orost joe at petsd.UUCP
Fri Aug 31 12:28:10 AEST 1984

cat >README <<'------ EOF ------'
Enclosed is compress.c version 2.0 with the following bugs fixed:

1.	The packed files produced by compress are different on different
	machines and dependent on the vax sysgen option.
		The bug was in the different byte/bit ordering on the
		various machines.  This has been fixed.

		This version is NOT compatible with the original vax posting
		unless the '-DCOMPATIBLE' option is specified to the C
		compiler.  The original posting has a bug which I fixed, 
		causing incompatible files.  I recommend you NOT to use this
		option unless you already have a lot of packed files from
		the original posting by thomas.
2.	The exit status is not well defined (on some machines) causing the
	scripts to fail.
		The exit status is now 0,1 or 2 and is documented in
3.	The function getopt() is not available in all C libraries.
		The function getopt() is no longer referenced by the
4.	Error status is not being checked on the fwrite() and fflush() calls.

The following enhancements have been made:

1.	Added facilities of "compact" into the compress program.  "Pack",
	"Unpack", and "Pcat" are no longer required (no longer supplied).
2.	Installed work around for C compiler bug with "-O".
3.	Added a magic number header (\037\235).  Put the bits specified
	in the file.
4.	Added "-f" flag to force overwrite of output file.
5.	Added "-c" flag and "zcat" program.  'ln compress zcat' after you
6.	The 'uncompress' script has been deleted; simply 
	'ln compress uncompress' after you compile and it will work.
7.	Removed extra bit masking for machines that support unsigned
	characters.  If your machine doesn't support unsigned characters,
	define "NO_UCHAR" when compiling.

Compile "compress.c" with "-O -o compress" flags.  Move "compress" to a
standard executable location, such as /usr/local.  Then:
	cd /usr/local
	ln compress uncompress
	ln compress zcat

On machines that have a fixed stack size (such as Perkin-Elmer), set the
stack to at least 12kb.  ("setstack compress 12" on Perkin-Elmer).

Next, install the manual (compress.l).
	cp compress.l /usr/man/manl		- or -
	cp compress.l /usr/man/man1/compress.1

Just to make sure all is working, here is the output of 
'compress -c compress.c | od -b | head' on my machine (Perkin-Elmer 3230):
0000000 037 235 020 057 124 050 000 241 002 004 221 062 146 322 270 051
0000020 003 302 311 223 057 125 206 040 011 042 005 104 032 063 040 104
0000040 324 161 063 047 315 031 205 144 100 214 101 023 106 216 010 020
0000060 146 064 216 241 223 346 315 106 020 141 346 200 340 350 261 014
0000100 110 221 044 101 264 004 221 347 115 035 071 002 011 266 011 043
0000120 062 141 031 027 100 137 050 000 010 142 004 231 203 105 031 072
0000140 204 050 221 242 212 244 115 237 052 004 061 205 112 020 052 123
0000160 024 214 320 350 364 042 127 257 140 261 042 324 112 244 210 220
0000200 052 107 302 216 075 130 260 355 133 245 004 201 206 174 323 006
0000220 216 234 062 163 346 270 030 003 242 005 010 043 151 330 054 034
On your machine, it should be exactly the same.

Here is the README that I sent with my first posting:

>Enclosed is a modified version of compress.c, along with scripts to make it
>run identically to pack(1), unpack(1), an pcat(1).  Here is what I
>(petsd!joe) and a colleague (petsd!peora!srd) did:
>1. Removed VAX dependencies.
>2. Changed the struct to separate arrays; saves mucho memory.
>3. Did comparisons in unsigned, where possible.  (Faster on Perkin-Elmer.)
>4. Sorted the character next chain and changed the search to stop
>prematurely.  This saves a lot on the execution time when compressing.
>This version is totally compatible with the original version.  Even though
>lint(1) -p has no complaints about compress.c, it won't run on a 16-bit
>machine, due to the size of the arrays.
>Here is the README file from the original author:
>>Well, with all this discussion about file compression (for news batching
>>in particular) going around, I decided to implement the text compression
>>algorithm described in the June Computer magazine.  The author claimed
>>blinding speed and good compression ratios.  It's certainly faster than
>>compact (but, then, what wouldn't be), but it's also the same speed as
>>pack, and gets better compression than both of them.  On 350K bytes of
>>unix-wizards, compact took about 8 minutes of CPU, pack took about 80
>>seconds, and compress (herein) also took 80 seconds.  But, compact and
>>pack got about 30% compression, whereas compress got over 50%.  So, I
>>decided I had something, and that others might be interested, too.
>>As is probably true of compact and pack (although I haven't checked),
>>the byte order within a word is probably relevant here, but as long as
>>you stay on a single machine type, you should be ok.  (Can anybody
>>elucidate on this?)  There are a couple of asm's in the code (extv and
>>insv instructions), so anyone porting it to another machine will have to
>>deal with this anyway (and could probably make it compatible with Vax
>>byte order at the same time).  Anyway, I've linted the code (both with
>>and without -p), so it should run elsewhere.  Note the longs in the
>>code, you can take these out if you reduce BITS to <= 15.
>>Have fun, and as always, if you make good enhancements, or bug fixes,
>>I'd like to see them.
>>=Spencer (thomas at utah-20, {harpo,hplabs,arizona}!utah-cs!thomas)


Full-Name:  Joseph M. Orost
UUCP:       ..!{decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!vax135!petsd!joe
US Mail:    MS 313; Perkin-Elmer; 106 Apple St; Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
Phone:      (201) 870-5844
------ EOF ------
ls -l README
cat >compress.c <<'------ EOF ------'
 * Define NO_UCHAR if "unsigned char" functions as signed char on your
 * machine.
/* #define NO_UCHAR */
#define STATS
#undef STATS
#define DEBUG
#undef DEBUG
 * compress.c - File compression ala IEEE Computer June 1984.
 * Authors:	Spencer W. Thomas	(decvax!harpo!utah-cs!utah-gr!thomas)
 * 		Computer Science Dept.
 * 		University of Utah
 * 		Copyright (c) 1984 Spencer W. Thomas
 *		Jim McKie	(decvax!mcvax!jim)
 *		Steve Davies	(decvax!vax135!petsd!peora!srd)
 *		Ken Turkowski	(decvax!decwrl!turtlevax!ken)
 *		Joe Orost	(decvax!vax135!petsd!joe)
 * $Header: compress.c,v 2.0 84/08/28 22:00:00 joe Exp $
 * $Log:	compress.c,v $
 * Revision 2.0   84/08/28  22:00:00  petsd!joe
 * Add check for foreground before prompting user.  Insert maxbits into
 * compressed file.  Force file being uncompressed to end with ".Z".
 * Added "-c" flag and "zcat".  Prepared for release.
 * Revision 1.10  84/08/24  18:28:00  turtlevax!ken
 * Will only compress regular files (no directories), added a magic number
 * header (plus an undocumented -n flag to handle old files without headers),
 * added -f flag to force overwriting of possibly existing destination file,
 * otherwise the user is prompted for a response.  Will tack on a .Z to a
 * filename if it doesn't have one when decompressing.  Will only replace
 * file if it was compressed.
 * Revision 1.9  84/08/16  17:28:00  turtlevax!ken
 * Removed scanargs(), getopt(), added .Z extension and unlimited number of
 * filenames to compress.  Flags may be clustered (-Ddvb12) or separated
 * (-D -d -v -b 12), or combination thereof.  Modes and other status is
 * copied with copystat().  -O bug for 4.2 seems to have disappeared with
 * 1.8.
 * Revision 1.8  84/08/09  23:15:00  joe
 * Made it compatible with vax version, installed jim's fixes/enhancements
 * Revision 1.6  84/08/01  22:08:00  joe
 * Sped up algorithm significantly by sorting the compress chain.
 * Revision 1.5  84/07/13  13:11:00  srd
 * Added C version of vax asm routines.  Changed structure to arrays to
 * save much memory.  Do unsigned compares where possible (faster on
 * Perkin-Elmer)
 * Revision 1.4  84/07/05  03:11:11  thomas
 * Clean up the code a little and lint it.  (Lint complains about all
 * the regs used in the asm, but I'm not going to "fix" this.)
 * Revision 1.3  84/07/05  02:06:54  thomas
 * Minor fixes.
 * Revision 1.2  84/07/05  00:27:27  thomas
 * Add variable bit length output.

static char rcs_ident[] = "$Header: compress.c,v 2.0 84/08/28 22:00:00 joe Exp $";

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#define ARGVAL() (*++(*argv) || (--argc && *++argv))

unsigned char magic_header[] = { "\037\235" };	/* 1F 9D */
#define INIT_BITS 9			/* initial number of bits/code */
#define	BITS	16			/* maximum number of bits/code */
int n_bits;				/* number of bits/code */
int maxbits = BITS;			/* user settable max # bits/code */
long int maxcode;			/* maximum code, given n_bits */
long int maxmaxcode = 1 << BITS;	/* should NEVER generate this code */
#ifdef COMPATIBLE		/* But wrong! */
# define MAXCODE(n_bits)	(1 << (n_bits) - 1)
# define MAXCODE(n_bits)	((1 << (n_bits)) - 1)

 * One code could conceivably represent (1<<BITS) characters, but
 * to get a code of length N requires an input string of at least
 * N*(N-1)/2 characters.  With 10000 chars in the stack, an input
 * file would have to contain a 50Mb string of a single character.
 * This seems unlikely.
#define MAXSTACK    10000		/* size of output stack */

unsigned short tab_next[1<<BITS];	/* chain of entries with same prefix */
unsigned short tab_chain[1<<BITS];	/* chain prefixed with this entry */
unsigned short tab_prefix[1<<BITS];	/* prefix code for this entry */
	 char  tab_suffix[1<<BITS];	/* last char in this entry */

long int free_ent = 0;			/* first unused entry */
int exit_stat = 0;

long int getcode();

Usage() {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: compress [-dDvfc] [-b maxbits] [file ...]\n");
int debug = 0;
#else DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: compress [-dfc] [-b maxbits] [file ...]\n");
#endif DEBUG
int nomagic = 0;	/* Use a 2 byte magic number header, unless old file */
int zcat_flg = 0;	/* Write output on stdout, suppress messages */

 * TAG( main )
 * Algorithm from "A Technique for High Performance Data Compression",
 * Terry A. Welch, IEEE Computer Vol 17, No 6 (June 1984), pp 8-19.
 * Usage: compress [-d] [-c] [-f] [-b bits] [file ...]
 * Inputs:
 *	-d:	    If given, decompression is done instead.
 *      -c:         Write output on stdout.
 *      -b:         Limits the max number of bits/code.
 *	-f:	    Forces output file to be generated, even if one already
 *		    exists; if -f is not used, the user will be prompted if
 *		    the stdin is a tty, otherwise, the output file will not
 *		    be overwritten.
 * 	file ...:   Files to be compressed.  If none specified, stdin
 *		    is used.
 * Outputs:
 *	file.Z:	    Compressed form of file with same mode, owner, and utimes
 * 	or stdout   (if stdin used as input)
 * Assumptions:
 *	When filenames are given, replaces with the compressed version
 *	(.Z suffix) only if the file decreased in size.
 * Algorithm:
 * 	Modified Lempel-Ziv method (LZW).  Basically finds common
 * substrings and replaces them with a variable size code.  This is
 * deterministic, and can be done on the fly.  Thus, the decompression
 * procedure needs no input table, but tracks the way the table was
 * built.

main( argc, argv )
register int argc; char **argv;
    int decomp_flg = 0;
    int overwrite = 0;	/* Do not overwrite unless given -f flag */
    char ofname[100], tempname[100];
    char **filelist, **fileptr;
    char *cp, *rindex();
    struct stat statbuf;

#ifdef DEBUG
    int verbose = 0;
#endif DEBUG
    nomagic = 1;	/* Original didn't have a magic number */

    filelist = fileptr = (char **)(malloc(argc * sizeof(*argv)));
    *filelist = NULL;

    if((cp = rindex(argv[0], '/')) != 0) {
    } else {
	cp = argv[0];
    if(strcmp(cp, "uncompress") == 0) {
	decomp_flg = 1;
    } else if(strcmp(cp, "zcat") == 0) {
	decomp_flg = 1;
	zcat_flg = 1;

#ifdef BSD42
    /* 4.2BSD dependent - take it out if not */
    setlinebuf( stderr );
#endif BSD42

    /* Argument Processing
     * All flags are optional.
     * -D => debug
     * -d => decomp_flg
     * -v => verbose
     * -f => force overwrite of output file
     * -n => no header: useful to uncompress old files
     * -b maxbits => maxbits.  If -b is specified, then maxbits MUST be
     *	    given also.
     * -c => cat all output to stdout
     * if a string is left, must be an input filename.
    for (argc--, argv++; argc > 0; argc--, argv++) {
	if (**argv == '-') {	/* A flag argument */
	    while (*++(*argv)) {	/* Process all flags in this arg */
		switch (**argv) {
#ifdef DEBUG
		    case 'D':
			debug = 1;
		    case 'v':
			verbose = 1;
#endif DEBUG
		    case 'd':
			decomp_flg = 1;
		    case 'f':
			overwrite = 1;
		    case 'n':
			nomagic = 1;
		    case 'b':
			if (!ARGVAL()) {
			    fprintf(stderr, "Missing maxbits\n");
			maxbits = atoi(*argv);
			goto nextarg;
		    case 'c':
			zcat_flg = 1;
			fprintf(stderr, "Unknown flag: '%c'; ", **argv);
	else {		/* Input file name */
	    *fileptr++ = *argv;	/* Build input file list */
	    *fileptr = NULL;
	    /* goto nextarg; */
	nextarg: continue;

    if (maxbits > BITS) maxbits = BITS;
    maxmaxcode = 1 << maxbits;

    if (*filelist != NULL) {
	for (fileptr = filelist; *fileptr; fileptr++) {
	    exit_stat = 0;
	    if (decomp_flg != 0) {			/* DECOMPRESSION */
		/* Check for .Z suffix */
		if (strcmp(*fileptr + strlen(*fileptr) - 2, ".Z") != 0) {
		    /* No .Z: tack one on */
		    strcpy(tempname, *fileptr);
		    strcat(tempname, ".Z");
		    *fileptr = tempname;
		/* Open input file */
		if ((freopen(*fileptr, "r", stdin)) == NULL) {
			perror(*fileptr); continue;
		/* Check the magic number */
		if (nomagic == 0) {
		    if ((getchar() != (magic_header[0] & 0xFF))
		     || (getchar() != (magic_header[1] & 0xFF))) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: not in compressed format\n",
		    maxbits = getchar();	/* set -b from file */
		    maxmaxcode = 1 << maxbits;
		    if(maxbits > BITS) {
			"%s: compressed with %d bits, can only handle %d bits\n",
			*fileptr, maxbits, BITS);
		/* Generate output filename */
		strcpy(ofname, *fileptr);
		ofname[strlen(*fileptr) - 2] = '\0';  /* Strip off .Z */
	    else {					/* COMPRESSION */
		if (strcmp(*fileptr + strlen(*fileptr) - 2, ".Z") == 0) {
		    fprintf(stderr, "%s: already has .Z suffix -- no change\n",
		/* Open input file */
		if ((freopen(*fileptr, "r", stdin)) == NULL) {
		    perror(*fileptr); continue;
		/* Generate output filename */
		strcpy(ofname, *fileptr);
#ifndef BSD42		/* Short filenames */
		if ((cp=rindex(ofname,'/')) != NULL)	cp++;
		else					cp = ofname;
		if (strlen(cp) > 12) {
		    fprintf(stderr,"%s: filename too long to tack on .Z\n",cp);
#endif  BSD42		/* Long filenames allowed */
		strcat(ofname, ".Z");
	    /* Check for overwrite of existing file */
	    if (overwrite == 0 && zcat_flg == 0) {
		if (stat(ofname, &statbuf) == 0) {
		    char response[2];
		    response[0] = 'n';
		    fprintf(stderr, "%s already exists;", ofname);
		    if (foreground()) {
			fprintf(stderr, " do you wish to overwrite (y or n)? ",
			read(2, response, 2);
			while (response[1] != '\n') {
			    if (read(2, response+1, 1) < 0) {	/* Ack! */
				perror("stderr"); break;
		    if (response[0] != 'y') {
			fprintf(stderr, "\tnot overwritten\n");
	    if(zcat_flg == 0) {		/* Open output file */
	        if (freopen(ofname, "w", stdout) == NULL) {
	        fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", *fileptr);

	    /* Actually do the compression/decompression */
	    if (decomp_flg == 0)	compress();
#ifndef DEBUG
	    else			decompress();
#else   DEBUG
	    else if (debug == 0)	decompress();
	    else			printcodes();
	    if (verbose)		dump_tab();
#endif DEBUG
	    if(zcat_flg == 0) {
	        copystat(*fileptr, ofname);	/* Copy stats */
	        putc('\n', stderr);
    } else {		/* Standard input */
	if (decomp_flg == 0) {
		putc('\n', stderr);
	} else {
	    /* Check the magic number */
	    if (nomagic == 0) {
		if ((getchar()!=(magic_header[0] & 0xFF)) 
		 || (getchar()!=(magic_header[1] & 0xFF))) {
		    fprintf(stderr, "stdin: not in compressed format\n");
		maxbits = getchar();	/* set -b from file */
    		maxmaxcode = 1 << maxbits;
		if(maxbits > BITS) {
			"stdin: compressed with %d bits, can only handle %d bits\n",
			maxbits, BITS);
#ifndef DEBUG
#else   DEBUG
	    if (debug == 0)	decompress();
	    else		printcodes();
	    if (verbose)	dump_tab();
#endif DEBUG


 * TAG( compress )
 * Actually does the compression.
 * Inputs:
 * 	Compresses file on stdin.
 * Outputs:
 * 	Writes compressed file to stdout.
 * Assumptions:
 *	[None]
 * Algorithm:
 * 	See above.
static int offset;
long int bytes_out;			/* count how many are written */

compress() {
    register c;
    register long ent, n_ent;
    register long int in_count = 1;
#ifdef STATS
    int out_count = 0;
#endif STATS

     * Initialize the compression table to contain all 8-bit values
     * initially.  These don't need to be chained, they can be looked
     * up directly.
    offset = 0;
    bytes_out = 0;
    maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits = INIT_BITS);
    for ( ent = 0; ent < 256; ent++ ) {
	tab_next[ent] = tab_chain[ent] = NULL;
	tab_suffix[ent] = ent;
    free_ent = 256;

    if (nomagic == 0) {
	putchar(magic_header[0]); putchar(magic_header[1]);

    ent = getchar();		/* initial entry */
    while ( !feof( stdin ) && (c = getchar()) != (unsigned)EOF ) {
	 * Find the entry corresponding to the current entry suffixed
	 * with this char.  Since the entries are sorted, stop when
	 * the suffix >= c.
	for (n_ent = tab_chain[ent]; n_ent != NULL; n_ent = tab_next[n_ent])
	    if ( tab_suffix[n_ent] >= (unsigned)c )
		goto found;			/* found it */

	 * If no such entry, do 2 things:
	 * 1. Put out code for current prefix string.
	 * 2. Add the new string to the table.
	 *    If the table is full, just start over with current input
	 *    character.
	    output( (long)ent );
#ifdef STATS
#endif STATS
	    if ( (n_ent=free_ent) < maxmaxcode ) {
		/* Chain the new entry in 'c' order, so the aborted check
		   above works */

		register p_ent;

		tab_chain[n_ent] = NULL;
		tab_suffix[n_ent] = c;
		if((p_ent=tab_chain[ent]) == NULL ||
		   ((unsigned) c) < tab_suffix[p_ent]) {
			tab_next[n_ent] = p_ent;
			tab_chain[ent] = n_ent;
		} else {
			for(;;) {
				ent = tab_next[p_ent];
				if(ent == NULL ||
				   ((unsigned) c) < tab_suffix[ent]) break;
				p_ent = ent;
			tab_next[n_ent] = ent;
			tab_next[p_ent] = n_ent;
		free_ent = n_ent+1;
	    n_ent = c;
	ent = n_ent;
     * Put out the final code.
    output( (long)ent );
#ifdef STATS
#endif STATS
    output( -1L );			/* finish up output if necessary */

     * Print out stats on stderr
    if(zcat_flg == 0) {
#ifdef STATS
        fprintf( stderr,
	"%ld chars in, %ld codes (%ld bytes) out, compression factor %g\n",
		in_count, out_count, bytes_out,
		(double)in_count / (double)bytes_out );
        fprintf( stderr, "\tCompression as in compact: %5.2f%%\n",
		100.0 * ( in_count - bytes_out ) / (double) in_count );
        fprintf( stderr, "\tLargest code was %d (%d bits)\n", free_ent - 1, n_bits );
#else STATS
        fprintf( stderr, "Compression: %5.2f%%",
		100.0 * ( in_count - bytes_out ) / (double) in_count );
#endif STATS
    if(bytes_out > in_count)	/* exit(2) if no savings */
	exit_stat = 2;

	/* either we found the entry, or we skipped past it */

	if(tab_suffix[n_ent] == (unsigned) c) {
		goto cont;
	} else {
		goto not_found;

 * TAG( output )
 * Output the given code.
 * Inputs:
 * 	code:	A n_bits-bit integer.  If == -1, then EOF.  This assumes
 *		that n_bits =< (long)wordsize - 1.
 * Outputs:
 * 	Outputs code to the file.
 * Assumptions:
 *	Chars are 8 bits long.
 * Algorithm:
 * 	Maintain a BITS character long buffer (so that 8 codes will
 * fit in it exactly).  Use the VAX insv instruction to insert each
 * code in turn.  When the buffer fills up empty it and start over.

static char buf[BITS];

unsigned char lmask[9] = {0xff, 0xfe, 0xfc, 0xf8, 0xf0, 0xe0, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x00};
unsigned char rmask[9] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 0xff};

output( code )
long int  code;
#ifdef DEBUG
    static int col = 0;
#endif DEBUG

     * On the VAX, it is important to have the register declarations
     * in exactly the order given, or the asm will break.
    register int r_off = offset, bits= n_bits;
    register char * bp = buf;

    if ( code >= 0 ) {
#ifdef vax
	/* VAX DEPENDENT!! Implementation on other machines may be
	 * difficult.
	 * Translation: Insert BITS bits from the argument starting at
	 * offset bits from the beginning of buf.
	0;	/* C compiler bug ?? */
	asm( "insv	4(ap),r11,r10,(r9)" );
#else not a vax
/* WARNING: byte/bit numbering on the vax is simulated by the following code
	 * Get to the first byte.
	bp += (r_off >> 3);
	r_off &= 7;
	 * Since code is always >= 8 bits, only need to mask the first
	 * hunk on the left.
	*bp = (*bp & rmask[r_off]) | (code << r_off) & lmask[r_off];
	bits -= (8 - r_off);
	code >>= 8 - r_off;
	/* Get any 8 bit parts in the middle (<=1 for up to 16 bits). */
	if ( bits >= 8 ) {
	    *bp++ = code;
	    code >>= 8;
	    bits -= 8;
	/* Last bits. */
	*bp = code;
#endif vax
	offset += n_bits;
	if ( offset == (n_bits << 3) ) {
	    if( fwrite( buf, 1, n_bits, stdout ) != n_bits)
	    offset = 0;
	    bytes_out += n_bits;
#ifdef DEBUG
	if ( debug )
	    fprintf( stderr, "%5d%c", code,
		    (col+=6) >= 74 ? (col = 0, '\n') : ' ' );
#endif DEBUG

	 * If the next entry is going to be too big for the code size,
	 * then increase it, if possible.
	if ( free_ent > maxcode )
	     * Write the whole buffer, because the input side won't
	     * discover the size increase until after it has read it.
	    if ( offset > 0 )
		if( fwrite( buf, 1, n_bits, stdout ) != n_bits)
		bytes_out += n_bits;
	    offset = 0;
	    if ( n_bits == maxbits )
		maxcode = maxmaxcode;
		maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);
#ifdef DEBUG
	    if ( debug ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "\nChange to %d bits\n", n_bits );
		col = 0;
#endif DEBUG
    } else {
	 * At EOF, write the rest of the buffer.
	if ( offset > 0 )
	    fwrite( buf, 1, (offset + 7) / 8, stdout );
	bytes_out += (offset + 7) / 8;
	offset = 0;
	fflush( stdout );
#ifdef DEBUG
	if ( debug )
	    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
#endif DEBUG
	if( ferror( stdout ) )

 * TAG( decompress )
 * Decompress the input file.
 * Inputs:
 *	Decompresses file on stdin.
 * Outputs:
 * 	Writes decompressed file to stdout.
 * Algorithm:
 * 	See article cited above.

decompress() {
    register int stack_top = MAXSTACK;
    register long int code, oldcode, incode;
    register int finchar;
    char stack[MAXSTACK];

     * As above, initialize the first 256 entries in the table.  
    maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits = INIT_BITS);
    for ( free_ent = 0; free_ent < 256; free_ent++ ) {
	tab_next[free_ent] = tab_chain[free_ent] = NULL;
	tab_prefix[free_ent] = 0;
	tab_suffix[free_ent] = free_ent;

    finchar = oldcode = getcode();
    putchar( (char)finchar );		/* first code must be 8 bits = char */

    while ( ( code = getcode() ) != -1 ) {
	incode = code;
	 * Special case for KwKwK string.
	if ( code >= free_ent ) {
	    stack[--stack_top] = finchar;
	    code = oldcode;

	 * Generate output characters in reverse order
	while ( ((unsigned long)code) >= ((unsigned long)256) ) {
	    stack[--stack_top] = tab_suffix[code];
	    code = tab_prefix[code];
	stack[--stack_top] = finchar = tab_suffix[code];

	 * And put them out in forward order
	if(fwrite( &stack[stack_top], 1, MAXSTACK - stack_top, stdout ) !=
	MAXSTACK - stack_top) writeerr();
	stack_top = MAXSTACK;

	 * Generate the new entry.
	if ( (code=free_ent) < maxmaxcode ) {
	    tab_prefix[code] = oldcode;
	    tab_suffix[code] = finchar;
	    free_ent = code+1;
	 * Remember previous code.
	oldcode = incode;
    fflush( stdout );

 * TAG( getcode )
 * Read one code from the standard input.  If EOF, return -1.
 * Inputs:
 * 	stdin
 * Outputs:
 * 	code or -1 is returned.
 * Assumptions:
 *	[None]
 * Algorithm:
 * 	For now, use scanf to read ascii input.

long int
getcode() {
     * On the VAX, it is important to have the register declarations
     * in exactly the order given, or the asm will break.
    register long int code;
    static int offset = 0, size = 0;
    static unsigned char buf[BITS];
    register int r_off, bits;
    register unsigned char * bp = buf;

    if ( offset >= size || free_ent > maxcode ) {
	 * If the next entry will be too big for the current code
	 * size, then we must increase the size.  This implies reading
	 * a new buffer full, too.
	if ( free_ent > maxcode ) {
	    if ( n_bits == maxbits )
		maxcode = maxmaxcode;	/* won't get any bigger now */
		maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);
	size = fread( buf, 1, n_bits, stdin );
	if ( size <= 0 )
	    return -1;			/* end of file */
	offset = 0;
	/* Round size down to integral number of codes */
	size = (size << 3) - (n_bits - 1);
    r_off = offset;
    bits = n_bits;
#ifdef vax
    asm( "extzv   r10,r9,(r8),r11" );
#else not a vax
	 * Get to the first byte.
	bp += (r_off >> 3);
	r_off &= 7;
	/* Get first part (low order bits) */
#ifdef NO_UCHAR
	code = ((*bp++ >> r_off) & rmask[8 - r_off]) & 0xff;
#else  NO_UCHAR
	code = (*bp++ >> r_off);
#endif NO_UCHAR
	bits -= (8 - r_off);
	r_off = 8 - r_off;		/* now, offset into code word */
	/* Get any 8 bit parts in the middle (<=1 for up to 16 bits). */
	if ( bits >= 8 ) {
#ifdef NO_UCHAR
	    code |= (*bp++ & 0xff) << r_off;
#else  NO_UCHAR
	    code |= *bp++ << r_off;
#endif NO_UCHAR
	    r_off += 8;
	    bits -= 8;
	/* high order bits. */
	code |= (*bp & rmask[bits]) << r_off;
#endif vax
    offset += n_bits;

    return code;

char *
rindex(s, c)		/* For those who don't have it in libc.a */
register char *s, c;
	char *p;
	for (p = NULL; *s; s++)
	    if (*s == c)
		p = s;

#ifdef DEBUG
     * Just print out codes from input file.  Mostly for debugging.
    long int code;
    int col = 0, bits;

    bits = n_bits = INIT_BITS;
    maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);
    free_ent = 255;
    while ( ( code = getcode() ) >= 0 ) {
	if ( free_ent < maxmaxcode )
	if ( bits != n_bits ) {
	    printf( "\nChange to %d bits\n", n_bits );
	    bits = n_bits;
	    col = 0;
	printf( "%5d%c", code, (col+=6) >= 74 ? (col = 0, '\n') : ' ' );
    putchar( '\n' );
    exit( 0 );

 * TAG( dump_tab )
 * Dump the string table.
 * Inputs:
 *	[None]
 * Outputs:
 *	[None]
 * Assumptions:
 *	[None]
 * Algorithm:
 *	[None]

    register int i;
    register ent;
    char stack[4 * MAXSTACK];	/* \nnn makes it 4 times bigger */
    int stack_top = 4 * MAXSTACK;

    for ( i = 0; i < free_ent; i++ ) {
	ent = i;
	if ( isascii(tab_suffix[ent]) && isprint(tab_suffix[ent]) )
	    fprintf( stderr, "%5d: %5d/'%c'  \"",
			ent, tab_prefix[ent], tab_suffix[ent] );
	    fprintf( stderr, "%5d: %5d/\\%03o \"",
			ent, tab_prefix[ent], tab_suffix[ent] );
	stack[--stack_top] = '\n';
	stack[--stack_top] = '"';
	for ( ; ent != NULL;
		ent = (ent >= 256 ? tab_prefix[ent] : NULL) ) {
	    if ( isascii(tab_suffix[ent]) && isprint(tab_suffix[ent]) )
		stack[--stack_top] = tab_suffix[ent];
	    else {
		switch( tab_suffix[ent] ) {
		case '\n': stack[--stack_top] = 'n'; break;
		case '\t': stack[--stack_top] = 't'; break;
		case '\b': stack[--stack_top] = 'b'; break;
		case '\f': stack[--stack_top] = 'f'; break;
		case '\r': stack[--stack_top] = 'r'; break;
		    stack[--stack_top] = '0' + tab_suffix[ent] % 8;
		    stack[--stack_top] = '0' + (tab_suffix[ent] / 8) % 8;
		    stack[--stack_top] = '0' + tab_suffix[ent] / 64;
		stack[--stack_top] = '\\';
	fwrite( &stack[stack_top], 1, 4 * MAXSTACK - stack_top, stderr );
	stack_top = 4 * MAXSTACK;
#endif DEBUG

 * TAG( writeerr )
 * Exits with a message.  We only check for write errors often enough
 * to avoid a lot of "file system full" messages, not on every write.
 * ferror() check after fflush will catch any others (I trust).
 * Inputs:
 *	[None]
 * Outputs:
 *	[None]
 * Assumptions:
 *	[None]
 * Algorithm:
 *	[None]

    perror( "goodbye, write error" );
    exit( 1 );

copystat(ifname, ofname)
char *ifname, *ofname;
    struct stat statbuf;
    int mode;
    time_t timep[2];

    if (stat(ifname, &statbuf)) {		/* Get stat on input file */
    if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT/*0170000*/) != S_IFREG/*0100000*/) {
	fprintf(stderr, " -- not a regular file: unchanged");
	exit_stat = 1;
    } else if (statbuf.st_nlink > 1) {
	fprintf(stderr, " -- has %d other links: unchanged",
		statbuf.st_nlink - 1);
	exit_stat = 1;
    } else if (exit_stat == 2) {	/* No compression: remove file.Z */
	fprintf(stderr, " -- file unchanged");
    } else {			/* ***** Successful Compression ***** */
	mode = statbuf.st_mode & 07777;
	if (chmod(ofname, mode))		/* Copy modes */
	chown(ofname, statbuf.st_uid, statbuf.st_gid);	/* Copy ownership */
	timep[0] = statbuf.st_atime;
	timep[1] = statbuf.st_mtime;
	utime(ofname, timep);	/* Update last accessed and modified times */
	if (unlink(ifname))	/* Remove input file */
	fprintf(stderr, " -- replaced with %s", ofname);
	return;		/* Successful return */

    /* Unsuccessful return -- one of the tests failed */
    if (unlink(ofname))
 * This routine returns 1 if we are running in the foreground and stderr
 * is a tty.
#include <signal.h>
	register int (*tmp)();

	if((tmp = signal(SIGINT, dummy))) {	/* background? */
		signal(SIGINT, tmp);
	} else {			/* foreground */
		if(isatty(2)) {		/* and stderr is a tty */
		} else {
------ EOF ------
ls -l compress.c
cat >compress.l <<'------ EOF ------'
.TH COMPRESS 1 local
compress, uncompress, zcat  \-  compress and uncompress files
.B compress
.B \-d
] [
.B \-f
] [
.B \-c
] [
.B \-b
.I bits
] [
.I "filename \&..."
.B uncompress
.B \-f
] [
.B \-c
] [
.I "filename \&..."
.B zcat
.I "filename \&..."
Compresses the specified files or standard input.
Each file is replaced by a file with the extension
.B "\&.Z,"
but only if the file got smaller.
If no files are specified,
the compression is applied to the standard input
and is written to standard output
regardless of the results.
Compressed files can be restored
to their original form by specifying the
.B \-d
option, or by running
.I uncompress
(linked to
.IR compress ),
on the 
.B "\&.Z"
files or the standard input.
If the output file exists, it will not be overwritten unless the
.B \-f
flag is given.  If
.B \-f
is not specified and
.I compress
is run in the foreground,
the user is prompted
as to whether the file should be overwritten.
When file names are given, the ownership (if run by root), modes, accessed
and modified times are maintained between the file and its 
.B "\&.Z"
version.  In this respect,
.I compress
can be used for archival purposes, yet can still be used with
.IR make "(1)"
after uncompression.
.B \-c
option causes the results of the compress/uncompress operation to be written
to stdout; no files are changed.  The
.I zcat
program is the same as specifying
.B \-c
.I uncompress
(all files are unpacked and written to stdout).
.I Compress
uses the modified Lempel-Ziv algorithm described in
"A Technique for High Performance Data Compression",
Terry A. Welch,
.I "IEEE Computer"
Vol 17, No 6 (June 1984), pp 8-19.
Common substrings in the file are first replaced by 9-bit codes 257 and up.
When code 512 is reached, the algorithm switches to 10-bit codes and
continues to use more bits until the
.I bits
limit as specified by the
.B \-b
flag is reached (default 16).
.I Bits
must be between 9 and 16.  The default can be changed in the source to allow
.I compress
to be run on a smaller machine.
A two byte magic number is prepended to the file
to ensure that neither uncompression of random text nor recompression of 
compressed text are attempted.  In addition, the
.I bits
specified during
.I compress
is written to the file so that the
.B \-b
specifier can be omitted for
.IR uncompress \.
.ne 8
The amount of compression obtained depends on the size of the
input file, the amount of
.I bits
per code, and the distribution of character substrings.
Typically, text files, such as C programs,
are reduced to 40\-50% of their original size.
Compression is generally much better than that achieved by
Huffman coding (as used in
.IR pack ),
or adaptive Huffman coding
.RI ( compact ),
and takes less time to compute.
The exit status is normally 0;
if the last file gets bigger after compression, the exit status is 2;
if an error occurs, the exit status is 1.
compact(1), pack(1)
Usage: compress [-dfc] [-b maxbits] [file ...]
.in +8
Invalid options were specified on the command line.
.in -8
Missing maxbits
.in +8
Maxbits must follow
.BR \-b \.
.in -8
Unknown flag: 
.I "\'x\';"
.in +8
Invalid flags were specified on the command line.
.in -8
.IR file :
not in compressed format
.in +8
The specified file has not been compressed.
.in -8
.IR file :
compressed with 
.I xx
bits, can only handle 
.I yy
.in +8
The specified file was compressed by a compress program that could handle
.I bits
than the current compress program.  Recompress the file with a smaller
.IR bits \.
.in -8
.IR file :
already has .Z suffix -- no change
.in +8
Cannot compress a file that has a ".Z" suffix.
.IR mv "(1)"
the file to a different name and try again.
.in -8
.IR file :
filename too long to tack on .Z
.in +8
The specified file cannot be compressed because its filename is longer than
12 characters.
.IR mv "(1)"
the file to a different name and try again.
.in -8
.I file
already exists; do you wish to overwrite (y or n)?
.in +8
Respond "y" if you want the output file to be replaced; "n" if you want it
to be left alone.
.in -8
.IR file :
.in +8
This message fragment is written during the processing of a file.
.in -8
.I "xx.xx%"
.in +8
This message fragment gives the percentage of the input file that have been
saved by compression.
.in -8
-- not a regular file: unchanged
.in +8
This message fragment is written when the input file is not a regular file.
The input file is left unchanged.
.in -8
-- has 
.I xx 
other links: unchanged
.in +8
This message fragment is written when the input file has links.  The input
file is left unchanged.  See
.IR ln "(1)"
for more information.
.in -8
-- file unchanged
.in +8
This message fragment is written when no savings are achieved by
compression.  The input file is left unchanged.
.in -8
-- replaced with 
.I file
.in +8
This message fragment is written when a file has been sucessfully
.in -8
------ EOF ------
ls -l compress.l

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