rdm? A better interface than v/readnews

dimare at ucla-cs.UUCP dimare at ucla-cs.UUCP
Wed Aug 15 06:13:40 AEST 1984

Sorry, but postnews didn't deliver my first message, only the second.

What I want is a program that can look up the .newsrc file (to figure
out which groups I'm suscribed), and then concatenate together all
the corresponding messages separating one from another by some
special line, like .

This would let me use the rdm (UCLA) command to read the news. The advantage
of rdm is that it can list a full screen of subjects, and lets you skip
fast over the messages you don't want to read. As an example, whenever
I receive ai-digest, I create a file of the same name and then execute
the following command:

awk '/^Date/ { print ""} { print }' ai-digest > t; rdm t; rm t

which means: look for Date at the beginning of the line, and when found
precede it by . After this, rdm can recognize message boundaries.
Then use rdm to read the mail in file t, and then kill it.

The problem on writing this shell script is handling the .newsrc file.
Does anybody have something similar?

	dimare at ucla-locus.arpa

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