Wants source(s) for TECO (vi wankers go die)

Guy Harris guy at rlgvax.UUCP
Wed Dec 5 11:43:08 AEST 1984

> The scurulous (sp?) rumors as to COMPAT not working under 4.2
> is FALSE.  We run 4.2 on a -750.  We also have Macsyma.  Our
> Macsyma is running under the compatibility mode.  (I don't know
> if there is a 4.2 version of macsyma yet or not.  We don't have it
> if there is).

By "compatibility mode" do you mean the 4.2BSD facility that permits it
to execute 4.1BSD system calls (but from native VAX code), or the ability
to run PDP-11 programs in the VAX-11 compatibility mode?  The reference
to "a 4.2 version of MACSYMA" and the fact that you're running MACSYMA at
all leads me to think you mean the former (if somebody's stuffed a LISP big
enough to run MACSYMA, much less MACSYMA itself, onto a PDP-11 I'd like to
shake their hand).  The people asking about TECO are asking about the
latter, as PDP-11 TECO is written in MACRO-11.

	Guy Harris

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