Wants source(s) for TECO (vi wankers go die)

David Herron david at ukma.UUCP
Sun Dec 2 20:03:49 AEST 1984

If you find a C source for TECO, pass one on to me.

The scurulous (sp?) rumors as to COMPAT not working under 4.2
is FALSE.  We run 4.2 on a -750.  We also have Macsyma.  Our
Macsyma is running under the compatibility mode.  (I don't know
if there is a 4.2 version of macsyma yet or not.  We don't have it
if there is).  It runs fine.  I have no idea what (if anything) it
has done to our performance.
David Herron;  ARPA: "ukma!david"@ANL-MCS   (Note the quote marks.)
UUCP:	unmvax ---\
UUCP:	research   >-------/----------------- anlams --\
UUCP:	boulder --/ 	  /				>-!ukma!david
UUCP:	decvax!ucbvax ---/	cbosgd!hasmed!qusavx --/

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