magtape package for ANSII standard l

gertjan at txsil.UUCP gertjan at txsil.UUCP
Thu Dec 27 05:45:00 AEST 1984

Dick Grune put a very good package together with this. Do use it!
However for 'notes' users there is a problem. Dicks sources are longer 
than 2**16. So something is missing and the tail of the file looks like:

moves the tape over
.I t
.I i
IRG's (but not over a TM) and
.I c
characters (but not over an IRG). If the instructi

smu ignored 34 excess bytes
/* End of text from smu:net.sources */

This occurs in the file `magtp.1'. I've sent Dick a mail about it so he
will probably follow it up.

				: gertjan vinkesteyn, SIL DALLAS

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