SUN driver on Rev. D boards

craig at loki.ARPA craig at loki.ARPA
Wed Dec 19 04:38:11 AEST 1984

    I have just had a couple of brief conversations with the people
at Proteon about their Revision D Multibus boards, which they have
recently been shipping.  There is one important change to the board that
people should be aware of.  In section, when adjusting the
board to use a 20 bit address bus, you are instructed to remove
IC U125.  THIS IS WRONG!  You do not need to remove this chip; you
just need to add the jumper.  On Rev. D boards this IC is soldered
onto the board (it used to be socketed) and apparently people have been
trying to yank it out, thus damaging their boards.

    Except for this caveat, they assure me that there should be no
trouble making the SUN driver work with Rev. D boards....

Craig Partridge
craig at bbn-loki [ARPA]
craig%loki at csnet-relay [CSNET]
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