Is 'ksh' available.

Serge Granik serge at ucbvax.ARPA
Sun Dec 9 13:48:42 AEST 1984

> As far as I know (which I admit may not be very far), there are no
> plans to distribute ksh outside AT&T at this time.  I personally wish
> AT&T would, since it would be great to see some ksh nifties in net.sources!
> -An AT&T employee who uses ksh (and even once or twice spoke with Mr. Korn)

	Having heard a lot about ksh and seen some ksh scripts, which seem
to allow function definitions with local variables (including arrays!!!),
I would at least like to look at the man page for it.  If this is possible
and does not violate any laws, trade secrets, etc., can someone post it?

							Serge Granik
							serge at Berkeley.ARPA

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