doprnt -- "%X" for upper case hex

Rajiv Mody rajiv at amdcad.UUCP
Wed Dec 12 14:09:54 AEST 1984

> []
> Just for grins I tried applying Patrick Powell's mods to doprnt.s --
> I think he runs 4.1BSD, because his `ed' script made a real mess of
> our 4.2BSD doprnt.s.  Fortunately I heeded his advise:
> > COPY the ORGINAL doprnt.s before you do the ed, it gets trompped on.
> In any event, the only problem we have ever had with doprnt was its
> inability to handle the "%X" format specifier.  An obscure feature to
> be sure, but when a one line change gets me what I want, I'll do it
> instead of always running my output through `tr' to get capital letters.
> Actually, the 4.2BSD manual page for printf(3s) never really gets around 
> to mentioning that capitalizing "x", "e", and "g" conversion characters
> has the effect of capitalizing all the letters in the resulting output.
> But the code is clearly set up to do so, and in fact already did so in
> the case of "e" and "g".  Further supporting evidence came from the fact
> that the System V manual page is very explicit about all of this.
> (Yes Doug, I know that's almost always true when comparing 4.2 manual
> pages to System V manual pages!)
> ---------------------------------------------------
> RCS file: RCS/doprnt.s,v
> retrieving revision 1.1
> diff  -r1.1 doprnt.s
> 206c206
> < 	.word hex-L5			# X
> ---
> > 	.word capital-L5		# X
> ---------------------------------------------------
> 					Karl Danz
> 					Cygnet Systems
> 					...!hplabs!cygnet!karl

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