Wanted: A copy of shar

mikec at reed.UUCP mikec at reed.UUCP
Mon Jul 2 03:22:40 AEST 1984

When I posted the original article asking for someone's copy of shar, I had
no idea how many people wanted a copy.  Well, just in the past two days I
have gotten several versions as well as quite a few requests for copies. 
Rather than send each individual a copy.  I will post one shar program that
I recieved.  Unfortunetly, I hacked up the original letter he sent and
thus, I don't know the original author!  This appears to be the most
simplestic of the shar's I recieved and that is why I am posting it.  You
can make your own little changes as you like.

					Michael Cooper

P.S. -- Would the original author please identify himself!


UUCP:	{decvax, ucbvax, pur-ee, uw-beaver, ogcvax}!tektronix!reed!mikec

-------------------------------Tear'em Hear--------------------------------
: Create a shell that can be run to extract a bunch of files.
echo ": This is a shar archieve.  Extract with sh, not csh."
echo ": The rest of this file will extract:"
echo ":" "$*"
for file
    echo "echo extracting - $file"
    echo "sed 's/^X//' > $file << '~FUNKY STUFF~'"
    /bin/cat $file | sed 's/^/X/'
    echo "~FUNKY STUFF~"

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