UUCP-CSNET question - (nf)

patel at uicsg.UUCP patel at uicsg.UUCP
Sun Jul 1 12:18:00 AEST 1984

uicsg!patel    Jun 30 21:18:00 1984

  HELP!  DESPERATE!  Need information, source code, hints, anything!

  One UNIX computer "vaxA" is a node on the CSNET.  Our UNIX computer "vaxB"
  talks to A on a 9600 Baud line using UUCP.  We have no problem in sending
  or receiving mail on the Unix-net.  But the combination of Unix and CSNET
  addresses does not work.  For example, sending mail from vaxB to
  Mr. John Doe. on a CSNET node XYZ.
    mail vaxA!johndoe%XYZ at CSNET-RELAY
  Neither does Mr. John Doe trying to send mail to me.
    mail vaxB!patel%vaxA at CSNET-RELAY
  So the question is what piece of software and/or (heaven forbid!) changes in
  the UNIX mail program on vaxA will do the trick?

Top dollars for the right software.  Respond to the net or to me.

Janak Patel, Coordinated Science Lab, Univ. of Ill., Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: (217) 333-6201
Unix net address:  ihnp4!uiucdcs!uicsg!patel

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