Empire source (wanted) - (nf)

jab at uokvax.UUCP jab at uokvax.UUCP
Sun Jul 8 14:55:00 AEST 1984

uokvax!jab    Jun 24 23:55:00 1984

/***** uokvax:net.sources / vax4!joshua /  8:52 pm  Jun 19, 1984 */
I have seen *alot* of people who have been looking for the source to Empire.
A friend has the comp'd. version but we are unable to play until one of our
systems goes VMS, as this is what it is for.
Now since I have not seen re-pstings of the requests, I figured that the people
have either: 1) gotten their source, or 2) gave up. I have gone through our 
oldnews and found naught. I, as others, would pay for whatever costs would
be invloved. 
Please respond via net or directly.


/* ---------- */

Please forgive me for responding to the world, but I couldn't find a path
to "vax4", and this might be of more general interest anyway.

I spoke to Peter Langston of Lucasfilm at the Usenix conference in SLC.
There *DO* exist some very old, and very hacked versions of "empire", but
it's probably better that you give up searching for them. Peter doesn't
distribute source to "empire" simply because he doesn't want people calling
him with bugs not in the version added somewhere in the distribution chain.

I would like the source too, but I see his point.

Perhaps somebody with a binary of "empire" could help you

	Jeff Bowles
	Lisle, IL

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