Small-C "RED" Editor

Phil Dykstra phil at brl-tgr.ARPA
Mon Jul 9 05:37:25 AEST 1984

	The Small-C video text editor placed in net.sources
was incorrectly called "RED".  The one submitted was Edward
Ream's earlier editor ED2 with perhaps some enhancements or
changes made by Keith Brown.  RED is a newer enhanced ED2
by Mr. Ream published in Dr. Dobb's in July & Aug 1983
(DDJ No. 81 and 82).  This newer editor includes a virtual
memory system which removes restrictions on the file size
that can be edited.

	If anyone knows were RED can be found I would appreciate
hearing about it.  If it does turn up I will submit an announcement.

				  phil at brl

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