corewar request

discolo at ucsbcsl.UUCP discolo at ucsbcsl.UUCP
Thu Jul 26 15:40:19 AEST 1984

> A few weeks ago, someone stated they had a working version
> of corewar and a few programs to go with it.
> apparently my request for this info got lost. (Im still a rookie)
> could someone mail me the pgrams and a set of instructions to
> implement the code on a 4.1bsd (apparently what it was written for)
> thanqueue

Uhh, excuse me.  But what is corewar?  I'm burnt out on rogue
and need something new to spend 5 hours a day on.

uucp: ucbvax!ucsbcsl!discolo
arpa: ucsbcsl!discolo at berkeley
csnet: discolo at ucsb
USMail: Computer Systems Lab
	U.C. Santa Barbara
	Santa Barbara, CA  93106

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