XLISP bug - (nf)

goldberg at uiucdcs.UUCP goldberg at uiucdcs.UUCP
Mon Jul 30 05:57:00 AEST 1984

uiucdcs!goldberg    Jul 29 14:57:00 1984

While attempting to port XLisp to our Pyramid, I encountered an illegal
instruction in a longjmp from routine xlabort when I typed in an unknown
function.  This was due to the fact that XLisp declares it's jump buffer
to be char[6], which appears to work ok on the VAX.  On the Pyramid however,
it does not.  I redeclared it to be of type jmp_buf as defined in
/usr/include/setjmp.h.  Diffs of xlisp.c follow.  They may be off by a few
lines due to RCS header info which I have added.

				Phil Goldberg
				goldberg at uiuc
			     goldberg.uiuc at csnet

< static char *XLispId = "$Header: xlisp.c,v 1.1 84/07/28 18:56:45 goldberg Exp $";
> static char *XLispId = "$Header: xlisp.c,v 1.2 84/07/28 19:29:42 goldberg Exp $";
< static char ljmp[6];
> static jmp_buf ljmp;	/* PRG '84 -- char ljmp[6] bombs on Pyramid */

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