XLISP bug - (nf)

mwm at ea.UUCP mwm at ea.UUCP
Thu Jul 26 12:55:00 AEST 1984

ea!mwm    Jul 25 21:55:00 1984

I know this isn't the "correct" place to post this, but I can't think of a
better one to reach the people who need to see it. If you have a better one,
*send me mail*.

On to the point. In the file xlfio.c, which was in part 2 of the xlisp
code, near the end of the function xlfgets (which is near the end of the
file), the line:
should read:
	strcat(str->n_str, buf);

Caveat: I did not verify that this was a bug, but it sure looks like one.
Lint complained about it, so I changed it to what it "obviously" should be.
The new version *does* work.

Request: Should someone get this code working on a "broken" C compiler (one
with pointers longer than ints), please get in contact with me. I want such
a version.  Conversely, if you want such a beast, let me know, and I'll
tell you if I finish my port or here from someone else.


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