new fast file finder code

James A. Woods jaw at ames-lm.UUCP
Thu Mar 22 16:14:23 AEST 1984

#	"Never program anything bigger than your head." -- anon

     As promised (see net.unix-wizards), the new fast file finder function
follows (a replacement for patprep(), at end of find.c):

    extract last glob-free subpattern in name for fast pre-match;
    prepend '\0' for backwards match; return end of new pattern
static char globfree[100];

char *
patprep ( name )
	char *name;
	register char *p, *endmark;
	register char *subp = globfree;

	*subp++ = '\0';
	p = name + strlen ( name ) - 1;
	   skip trailing metacharacters (and [] ranges)
	for ( ; p >= name; p-- )
		if ( index ( "*?", *p ) == 0 )
	if ( p < name )
		p = name;
	if ( *p == ']' )
		for ( p--; p >= name; p-- )
			if ( *p == '[' ) {
	if ( p < name )
		p = name;
	   if pattern has only metacharacters,
	   check every path (force '/' search)
	if ( (p == name) && index ( "?*[]", *p ) != 0 )
		*subp++ = '/';					
	else {				
		for ( endmark = p; p >= name; p-- )
			if ( index ( "]*?", *p ) != 0 )
		for ( ++p; (p <= endmark) && subp < (globfree + sizeof ( globfree )); )
			*subp++ = *p++;
	*subp = '\0';
	return ( --subp );

	-- James A. Woods  {dual,hplabs,hao,research}!ames-lm!jaw

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