car.1 (auto maintenance)

George Sicherman colonel at sunybcs.UUCP
Thu Mar 22 13:54:24 AEST 1984

.TH CAR 1 12/09/82
car \- auto maintenance reminder service
.B car
.B \-
] [
.B \-m
] [
.BR \-f [ m ]
] [
.B %
With no arguments,
.I car 
accepts current mileages and newly performed services
from the standard input 
and records them on the file `car.log' in the current directory.
With the argument \-,
it consults the files `car.log' and `.carrc' in the current directory,
and prints messages to tell you
what services need to be performed.
With the argument
.BR \-m ,
it mails messages to all users.
Normally this is done daily in the wee hours under control of
.IR cron (8).
The argument % is equivalent to
.BR \-m .
.B \-f
option prints your average fuel consumption;
in the form
.B \-fm
it uses metric units.
The file `.carrc' contains two kinds of entries.
.I Definitions
have the form
.sp 1
B=charge battery
.sp 1
i.e., a capital letter followed immediately by an equals sign
and an arbitrary string.
.I Car
pre-defines the following services:
.RS 1.0i
.sp 1
A	change air filter
F	change oil filter
K	check oil
O	change oil
.I Rules
are lines that look like this:
.sp 1
F 20000 180d 2O
.sp 1
The first letter represents a service;
the remaining entries
tell how often the service is to be performed.
The above entry means every 20,000 miles,
180 days, or 2 oil changes, whichever comes first.
An integer value may be followed by
.B d
for days,
.B w
for weeks,
.B m
for months,
.B y
for years,
any capital letter for the corresponding service,
.B k
for kilometers,
or nothing at all for miles.
If service A depends on service B,
.I car
will report it when service B is due,
instead of waiting till service B is performed.
.I Car
normally requests a new mileage figure weekly.
This can be changed by including a rule
beginning with a question mark; e.g.,
.sp 1
? 2w
Entries to
.I car
without arguments
may be integer or real mileages (optionally followed by
.B k
for kilometers)
or capital letters (for services performed).
You may also report fuel consumption
as an integer or real followed by
.B g
for gallons or
.B l for liters.
.I Car
will prompt you and acknowledge your entries as it reads them.
The file `car.log' is maintained in intellegible form
so you can edit out errors.
mail subprocess
at(1), calendar(1), cron(8), mail(1)
Your chart and log must be public information for you
to get reminder service.
If your odometer passes zero, you must remember to report
the extra hundred thousand miles (or kilometers).
Col. G. L. Sicherman

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