Xmodem information available

Larry E. Baker mercury at ut-ngp.UUCP
Sat Apr 13 12:22:18 AEST 1985

[oh GOD I wish I had a 1200 baud modem!]

I am responding indirectly to the query regarding Xmodem information
that was posted recently.  I have responded directly to the author

I asked the same question about two months ago, but was not exactly
inundated with requests for copies, so I did not post a summary to the net
as it is somewhat large.  If there is anyone out there who is just
dying to know how Xmodem does its thing, send me MAIL and I will send
you a copy of the summary I distributed to those who queried my
original posting.  If there are enough requests, I will post the
summary to net.sources.

Voya con Dios,

-  Larry Baker @ The University of Texas at Austin
-  ... {seismo!ut-sally | decvax!allegra | tektronix!ihnp4}!ut-ngp!mercury
-  ... mercury at ut-ngp.ARPA

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