DPY (part 2 of 2)

Jim Hutchison ma179xbe at sdcc7.UUCP
Sat Apr 13 10:55:33 AEST 1985

This is dpy.2

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then
# unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".  (Files
# unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions.)
# This archive contains:
#   dpy.c (15780 chars)
#   dpyget.c (1117 chars)
#   dpymove.c (1069 chars)
#   dpyplace.c (1297 chars)
#   dpyread.c (3572 chars)
#   dpywindow.c (1170 chars)
#   dpy.h (2452 chars)
#   gensubs.c (1183 chars)
#   m16subs.s (812 chars)
#   vaxsubs.s (332 chars)
echo x - dpy.c
sed -e 's/^X//' > "dpy.c" << '//E*O*F dpy.c//'
Xstatic char *sccsid = "@(#)dpy.c	1.41	1/28/85";
Xstatic char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by D Bell";
X * Different curses package (by David I. Bell).
X * These dpy module sources are in the public domain, and can be copied
X * or used as desired, with the following restrictions:
X * 1.	All copyright notices (and this notice) must be preserved.
X * 2.	The dpy sources (even if modified) cannot be sold for profit.
X * 3.	If any sources are modified, a sentence must exist by the
X *	copyright notice of each modified source file which says that
X *	the file has been modified.
X */
X#include <stdio.h>		/* standard I/O */
X#include <signal.h>		/* signals */
X#include "dpy.h"		/* window definitions */
X#define	STDIN	0		/* standard input */
X#define	STDOUT	1		/* standard output */
X#define	DEL	0177		/* delete character */
X#define	EOL	'\n'		/* end of line character */
X#define	RET	'\r'		/* return character */
X#define	BS	'\b'		/* backspace character */
X#define	TAB	'\t'		/* tab character */
X#define	SPACE	' '		/* space character */
X#define	INTSIZ	(sizeof(int))
Xextern	short	ospeed;		/* output speed for tputs to use */
Xstruct	window	window;		/* the window */
Xstatic	int	dpytputs();	/* called by tputs to type to terminal */
Xstatic	int	dpysputs();	/* called by tputs to save characters */
Xint	dpystop();		/* stop routine */
Xchar	*tgetstr();		/* return termcap string */
Xchar	*malloc();		/* allocate memory */
Xchar	*getenv();		/* return environment variable */
X/* Initialize the window structure.  Returns nonzero on failure with
X * a message already typed.  The ttytype argument is the terminal type
X * string, or NULL if the TERM environment variable is to be used.
X * Modeset and modeclear are changes to make for the terminal mode flags.
X */
Xdpyinit(ttytype, modeset, modeclear)
X	register char	*ttytype;	/* terminal type, or NULL for default */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	register char	*cp;		/* character pointer */
X	register char	*sp;		/* pointer for spaces */
X	register int	size;		/* size of character array */
X	wp = &window;
X	wp->inited = 0;
X	wp->output = 0;
X	if (ttytype == NULL) {
X		ttytype = getenv("TERM");
X		if (ttytype == NULL) {
X			fprintf(stderr, "TERM not defined\n");
X			return(1);
X		}
X	}
X	size = tgetent(wp->tdata, ttytype);
X	if (size <= 0) {
X		fprintf(stderr, size ? "cannot open termcap file"
X			: "unknown terminal type %s\n", ttytype);
X		return(1);
X	}
X	wp->oldttyblk0.sg_erase = CERASE;	/* in case stdin is not a tty */
X	wp->oldttyblk0.sg_kill = CKILL;
X	wp->tchars.t_eofc = CEOF;
X	wp->ltchars.t_rprntc = CRPRNT;
X	wp->ltchars.t_werasc = CWERASE;
X	wp->ltchars.t_lnextc = CLNEXT;
X	wp->oldttyblk1.sg_ospeed = 0;
X	ioctl(STDIN, TIOCGETC, &wp->tchars);	/* collect terminal info */
X	ioctl(STDIN, TIOCGLTC, &wp->ltchars);
X	ioctl(STDIN, TIOCGETP, &wp->oldttyblk0);
X	ioctl(STDOUT, TIOCGETP, &wp->oldttyblk1);
X	ospeed = wp->oldttyblk1.sg_ospeed;	/* save speed for tputs */
X	wp->nrows = tgetnum("li");
X	wp->ncols = tgetnum("co");
X	wp->tptr = wp->tbuf;
X	wp->tc_am = tgetflag("am");
X	wp->tc_ho = tgetstr("ho", &wp->tptr);
X	wp->tc_ce = tgetstr("ce", &wp->tptr);
X	wp->tc_cd = tgetstr("cd", &wp->tptr);
X	wp->tc_cm = tgetstr("cm", &wp->tptr);
X	if ((wp->nrows <= 0) || (wp->ncols <= 0) || (wp->tc_ce == NULL)
X		|| (wp->tc_cd == NULL) || (wp->tc_cm == NULL)) {
X			fprintf(stderr, "missing termcap entry\n");
X			return(1);
X	}
X	sp = wp->tptr;		/* apply padding to clear screen string */
X	tputs(wp->tc_cd, wp->nrows, dpysputs);
X	*wp->tptr++ = NULL;
X	wp->tc_cd = sp;
X	sp = wp->tptr;		/* and to clear line string */
X	tputs(wp->tc_ce, 1, dpysputs);
X	*wp->tptr++ = NULL;
X	wp->tc_ce = sp;
X	if (wp->tc_ho == NULL) {	/* make home up string if not defined */
X		wp->tc_ho = wp->tptr;
X		tputs(tgoto(wp->tc_cm, 0, 0), 1, dpysputs);
X		*wp->tptr++ = NULL;
X	}
X	wp->delta = (wp->ncols + INTSIZ) &~ (INTSIZ-1);	/* round up */
X	size = wp->nrows * wp->delta;
X	cp = malloc(2 * (size + INTSIZ));
X	if (cp == NULL) {
X		fprintf(stderr, "not enough memory for screen data\n");
X		return(1);
X	}
X	wp->begdata = cp;
X	wp->enddata = cp + size;
X	wp->begwin = cp;
X	wp->endwin = cp + size - wp->delta;
X	wp->begrow = cp;
X	wp->endrow = cp + wp->ncols;
X	wp->cp = cp;
X	wp->screen = cp + size + INTSIZ;
X	for (sp = cp + (2 * (size + INTSIZ)) - 1; sp >= cp; sp--) *sp = SPACE;
X	*((int *)(cp + size)) = 0;	/* terminate end of screens */
X	*((int *)(wp->screen + size)) = 0;
X	wp->currow = 0;
X	wp->curcol = 0;
X	wp->noctrl = 0;
X	wp->nocrlf = 0;
X	wp->nomove = 0;
X	wp->scroll = 0;
X	wp->full = 0;
X	wp->tabsize = 8;
X	wp->begchange = wp->enddata;
X	wp->endchange = wp->begdata;
X	wp->newttyblk0 = wp->oldttyblk0;	/* set new tty modes */
X	wp->newttyblk1 = wp->oldttyblk1;
X	wp->newttyblk0.sg_flags |= modeset;
X	wp->newttyblk0.sg_flags &= ~modeclear;
X	wp->newttyblk1.sg_flags |= modeset;
X	wp->newttyblk1.sg_flags &= ~(modeclear | XTABS);
X	wp->inited = 1;
X	signal(SIGTSTP, dpystop);
X	ioctl(STDIN, TIOCSETP, &wp->newttyblk0);
X	ioctl(STDOUT, TIOCSETP, &wp->newttyblk1);
X	return(0);
X/* Terminate the window, home down to the bottom of the screen, and reset
X * the terminal modes to their original state.
X */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	wp = &window;
X	if (wp->inited) {
X		wp->inited = 0;
X		if (wp->output) {
X			domove(wp->nrows - 1, 0, NULL);
X			fputs(wp->tc_ce, stdout);
X			fflush(stdout);
X		}
X		free(wp->begdata);
X		ioctl(STDIN, TIOCSETP, &wp->oldttyblk0);
X		ioctl(STDOUT, TIOCSETP, &wp->oldttyblk1);
X	}
X	return(0);
X/* Put a given number of characters to the window at the current write location.
X * Certain control characters have effects, others print as ^X or are ignored.
X * Automatic wrapping to the next line is possible, and scrolling when the last
X * line is full. Returns nonzero if the window cannot hold the whole buffer.
X */
Xdpywrite(buf, count)
X	register char	*buf;		/* buffer address */
X	int	count;			/* number of characters */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	register char	*endbuf;	/* end of buffer to write */
X	register char	*cp;		/* current character pointer */
X	register int	ch;		/* character to store */
X	wp = &window;
X	if (wp->full) return(1);
X	cp = wp->cp;
X	if (cp < wp->begchange) wp->begchange = cp;
X	for (endbuf = buf + count; buf < endbuf; buf++) {
X		ch = *buf;
X		if (ch < ' ') {			/* control character */
X			if (ch == EOL) {	/* new line */
X				clear(cp, wp->endrow);
X				if (cp >= wp->endwin) {	/* window full */
X					wp->endchange = wp->endrow;
X					if (wp->scroll == 0) {
X						wp->full = 1;
X						wp->cp = wp->begrow;
X						return(1);
X					}
X					wp->cp = cp;
X					dpyscroll();
X					cp = wp->begrow;
X					continue;
X				}
X				wp->begrow += wp->delta;
X				wp->endrow += wp->delta;
X				cp = wp->begrow;
X				continue;
X			}
X			if (ch == TAB) {	/* tab */
X				wp->cp = cp;
X				do {
X					if (dpywrite(" ", 1)) return(1);
X				} while ((wp->cp - wp->begrow) % wp->tabsize);
X				cp = wp->cp;
X				continue;
X			}
X			if (ch == BS) {		/* backspace */
X				if (cp > wp->begrow) cp--;
X				continue;
X			}
X			if (ch == RET) {	/* return character */
X				cp = wp->begrow;
X				continue;
X			}
X			/*
X			 * Obscure control character, show as ^X
X			 */
X			if (wp->noctrl) continue;
X			wp->cp = cp;
X			if (dpywrite("^", 1) || dpychar(ch + '@')) return(1);
X			cp = wp->cp;
X			continue;
X		}
X		if (ch == DEL) {		/* delete character */
X			if (wp->noctrl) continue;
X			wp->cp = cp;
X			if (dpywrite("^?", 2)) return(1);
X			cp = wp->cp;
X			continue;
X		}
X		/*
X		 * Normal printing character
X		 */
X		if (cp >= wp->endrow) {		/* end of row, see if do crlf */
X			wp->cp = cp;
X			if (cp > wp->endchange) wp->endchange = cp;
X			if (wp->nocrlf) return(1);
X			if (cp >= wp->endwin) {
X				if (wp->scroll == 0) return(1);
X				dpyscroll();
X				cp = wp->begrow;
X				*cp++ = ch;
X				continue;
X			}
X			wp->begrow += wp->delta;
X			wp->endrow += wp->delta;
X			cp = wp->begrow;
X		}
X		*cp++ = ch;
X	}
X	wp->cp = cp;
X	if (cp > wp->endchange) wp->endchange = cp;
X	return(0);
X/* Put a single character to the window.
X * Returns nonzero if full.
X */
X	char	ch;
X	return(dpywrite(&ch, 1));
X/* Put a null-terminated string to the window.
X * Returns nonzero if full.
X */
X	char	*str;
X	return(dpywrite(str, strlen(str)));
X/* Print a formatted string to the window.  Returns nonzero if full.
X * This routine is a ripped off version of sprintf.  This routine is
X * machine-dependent!!
X */
Xdpyprintf(fmt, args)
X	char	*fmt;			/* format string */
X	struct _iobuf _strbuf;		/* file header */
X	char	buf[5000];		/* data storage */
X	_strbuf._flag = _IOWRT+_IOSTRG;
X	_strbuf._ptr = buf;
X	_strbuf._cnt = 32767;
X	_doprnt(fmt, &args, &_strbuf);
X	return(dpywrite(buf, _strbuf._ptr - buf));
X/* Clear to the end of the current row without changing the write location */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	register char	*cp;		/* current character */
X	register char	*endcp;		/* ending character */
X	wp = &window;
X	if (wp->full) return;
X	cp = wp->cp;
X	endcp = wp->endrow;
X	if (cp < wp->begchange) wp->begchange = cp;
X	if (endcp > wp->endchange) wp->endchange = cp;
X	clear(cp, endcp);
X/* Clear to the end of the window without changing the write location */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	register char	*begcp;		/* beginning character */
X	register char	*cp;		/* current character */
X	register char	*endcp;		/* ending character */
X	wp = &window;
X	if (wp->full) return;
X	begcp = wp->begrow;
X	endcp = wp->endrow;
X	cp = wp->cp;
X	if (cp < wp->begchange) wp->begchange = cp;
X	while (1) {
X		clear(cp, endcp);
X		if (begcp >= wp->endwin) break;
X		begcp += wp->delta;
X		endcp += wp->delta;
X		cp = begcp;
X	}
X	if (endcp > wp->endchange) wp->endchange = endcp;
X/* Set the current write position to the top left corner of the window */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	wp = &window;
X	wp->endrow += wp->begwin - wp->begrow;
X	wp->begrow = wp->begwin;
X	wp->cp = wp->begrow;
X	wp->full = 0;
X/* Scroll the current window upwards a line to make room for more data. */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	register char	*currow;	/* beginning of current row */
X	register char	*nextrow;	/* beginning of next row */
X	register int	cols;		/* columns in window */
X	wp = &window;
X	cols = wp->endrow - wp->begrow;
X	currow = wp->begwin;
X	nextrow = currow + wp->delta;
X	while (currow < wp->endwin) {		/* move each line up */
X		bcopy(nextrow, currow, cols);
X		currow += wp->delta;
X		nextrow += wp->delta;
X	}
X	clear(currow, currow + cols);		/* clear last line */
X	wp->begchange = wp->begwin;
X	wp->endchange = wp->endwin + cols;
X/* Return the row number being written to, or -1 if out of the window.
X * The row number is relative to the beginning of the window.
X */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	wp = &window;
X	if (wp->full) return(-1);
X	return((wp->cp - wp->begwin) / wp->delta);
X/* Return the column number being written to, or -1 if out of the window.
X * The column number is relative to the current window.
X */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	wp = &window;
X	if (wp->full) return(-1);
X	if (wp->cp < wp->endrow) return(wp->cp - wp->begrow);
X	if (wp->nocrlf) return(-1);
X	return(0);
X/* Make the screen match the data as previously written by the user */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	register char	*scp;		/* screen character pointer */
X	register char	*cp;		/* current character */
X	register char	*spcp;		/* cp where spaces remain in row */
X	register char	*endrow;	/* end of row */
X	register char	*begrow;	/* beginning of row */
X	register int	row;		/* current row number */
X	int	diff;
X	wp = &window;
X	if (wp->output == 0) {		/* first output, clear screen */
X		wp->output = 1;
X		printf("%s%s", wp->tc_ho, wp->tc_cd);
X	}
X	cp = wp->begchange;
X	scp = wp->screen + (cp - wp->begdata);
X	endrow = 0;
X	while (cp < wp->endchange) {	/* look for a difference */
X		diff = strdif(cp, scp, wp->endchange - cp);
X		cp += diff;
X		scp += diff;
X		if (cp >= wp->endchange) break;
X		if (cp >= endrow) {
X			row = (cp - wp->begdata) / wp->delta;
X			begrow = wp->begdata + (row * wp->delta);
X			endrow = begrow + wp->ncols;
X			spcp = endrow - 1;
X			while ((spcp >= begrow) && (*spcp == SPACE))
X				spcp--;
X			spcp++;
X		}
X		domove(row, cp - begrow, begrow);
X		if (cp >= spcp) {		/* clear rest of line */
X			fputs(wp->tc_ce, stdout);
X			while (cp < endrow) {
X				*scp++ = SPACE;
X				cp++;
X			}
X			continue;
X		}
X		putchar(*cp);
X		*scp++ = *cp++;
X		if (++wp->curcol >= wp->ncols) {	/* fixup last column */
X			wp->curcol--;
X			if (wp->tc_am) {
X				wp->currow++;
X				wp->curcol = 0;
X			}
X		}
X	}
X	wp->begchange = wp->enddata;
X	wp->endchange = wp->begdata;
X	if (wp->nomove == 0) dpycursor();
X	fflush(stdout);
X/* Set the terminal cursor at the current write location.
X * If the window is full, the cursor is placed at the front of the
X * last line in the window.  If lines are not being wrapped and the
X * line is full, the cursor is placed at the end of the line.
X * Otherwise, the cursor is placed at the location being written to next.
X */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	register char	*cp;		/* current write location */
X	register char	*begrow;	/* beginning of current row */
X	register int	row;		/* row number */
X	wp = &window;
X	cp = wp->cp;
X	if (wp->full)
X		cp = wp->endwin;
X	else if (cp >= wp->endrow) {
X		if (wp->nocrlf || (wp->begrow >= wp->endwin))
X			cp = wp->endrow - 1;
X		else
X			cp = wp->begrow + wp->delta;
X	}
X	row = (cp - wp->begdata) / wp->delta;
X	begrow = wp->begdata + (row * wp->delta);
X	domove(row, cp - begrow, begrow);
X/* Subroutine to move to the given location on the screen.  The third argument
X * is a pointer to beginning of the desired row in case we find it is faster
X * to type the intervening characters.  If NULL, we must use addressing.
X */
Xdomove(row, col, cp)
X	register int	row;		/* desired row */
X	register int	col;		/* desired column */
X	register char	*cp;		/* data on desired row */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window structure */
X	wp = &window;
X	if (cp && (row == wp->currow) && (col >= wp->curcol)
X		&& (col < wp->curcol + 6)) {		/* a few ahead */
X			cp += wp->curcol;
X			while (wp->curcol < col) {
X				putchar(*cp);
X				cp++;
X				wp->curcol++;
X			}
X			return;
X	}
X	if ((col == 0) && (row == wp->currow + 1)) {	/* next row */
X		putchar('\n');
X		wp->currow++;
X		wp->curcol = 0;
X		return;
X	}
X	tputs(tgoto(wp->tc_cm, col, row), 1, dpytputs);	/* arbitrary */
X	wp->currow = row;
X	wp->curcol = col;
X/* Local routine called by tputs to print a character */
X	char	ch;
X	putchar(ch);
X/* Local routine called by tputs to save a character */
X	char	ch;
X	*window.tptr++ = ch;
X/* Redraw the screen to fix glitches */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	register char	*cp;		/* current character */
X	register char	*endcp;		/* ending character */
X	wp = &window;
X	cp = wp->screen;
X	endcp = cp + (wp->nrows * wp->delta);
X	clear(cp, endcp);
X	wp->currow = 0;
X	wp->curcol = 0;
X	wp->begchange = wp->begdata;
X	wp->endchange = wp->enddata;
X	printf("%s%s", wp->tc_ho, wp->tc_cd);
X	dpyupdate();
X/* Routine called on a terminal stop signal.  Restore the original terminal
X * state, home down to the bottom, and really stop.  If continued, restore
X * the new terminal state and redraw the screen.
X */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	wp = &window;
X	if (wp->output) {
X		domove(wp->nrows - 1, 0, NULL);
X		fflush(stdout);
X	}
X	ioctl(STDIN, TIOCSETP, &wp->oldttyblk0);
X	ioctl(STDOUT, TIOCSETP, &wp->oldttyblk1);
X	kill(getpid(), SIGSTOP);	/* really stop */
X	ioctl(STDIN, TIOCSETP, &wp->newttyblk0);
X	ioctl(STDOUT, TIOCSETP, &wp->newttyblk1);
X	if (wp->output) dpyredraw();
//E*O*F dpy.c//
echo x - dpyget.c
sed -e 's/^X//' > "dpyget.c" << '//E*O*F dpyget.c//'
X#ifdef SCCS
Xstatic char *sccsid = "@(#)dpyget.c	1.1	1/28/85";
Xstatic char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by D Bell";
X#include "dpy.h"
X/* Return the character which is at the specified location in the current
X * window.  The character returned is the one in our internal screen image,
X * not what is actually on the screen (these will be identical if dpyupdate
X * was just called).  Returns negative if the coordinates are illegal.
X */
Xdpyget(row, col)
X	register int	row;		/* row to get character from */
X	register int	col;		/* column to get character from */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	register char	*cp;		/* character pointer */
X	register int	winrows;	/* number of rows in window */
X	register int	wincols;	/* number of columns in window */
X	wp = &window;
X	winrows = ((wp->endwin - wp->begwin) / wp->delta) + 1;
X	wincols = wp->endrow - wp->begrow;
X	if (row < 0) row += winrows;
X	if (col < 0) col += wincols;
X	if (((unsigned)row >= winrows) || ((unsigned)col >= wincols)) {
X		return(-1);		/* out of window */
X	}
X	cp = wp->begwin + (row * wp->delta) + col;
X	return(*cp & 0xff);
//E*O*F dpyget.c//
echo x - dpymove.c
sed -e 's/^X//' > "dpymove.c" << '//E*O*F dpymove.c//'
X#ifdef SCCS
Xstatic char *sccsid = "@(#)dpymove.c	1.3	1/17/85";
Xstatic char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by D Bell";
X#include "dpy.h"
X/* Set the current write location to the given row and column.
X * The position given is relative to the current window.
X * Negative numbers indicate backwards from last row or column.
X * Returns nonzero if arguments are out of bounds.
X */
Xdpymove(row, col)
X	register int	row;		/* desired row number */
X	register int	col;		/* desired column number */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	register int	winrows;	/* number of rows in window */
X	register int	wincols;	/* number of columns in window */
X	wp = &window;
X	winrows = ((wp->endwin - wp->begwin) / wp->delta) + 1;
X	wincols = wp->endrow - wp->begrow;
X	if (row < 0) row += winrows;
X	if (col < 0) col += wincols;
X	if (((unsigned)row >= winrows) || ((unsigned)col >= wincols)) {
X		return(1);		/* out of window */
X	}
X	wp->begrow = wp->begwin + (row * wp->delta);
X	wp->endrow = wp->begrow + wincols;
X	wp->cp = wp->begrow + col;
X	wp->full = 0;
X	return(0);
//E*O*F dpymove.c//
echo x - dpyplace.c
sed -e 's/^X//' > "dpyplace.c" << '//E*O*F dpyplace.c//'
X#ifdef SCCS
Xstatic char *sccsid = "@(#)dpyplace.c	1.5	1/28/85";
Xstatic char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by D Bell";
X#include "dpy.h"
X/* Place a single character to the window at a particular location.
X * The change will not be seen until a call to dpyupdate.
X * The current write location is unaffected.
X * Returns nonzero if coordinates are illegal.
X * The coordinates are relative to the current window.
X */
Xdpyplace(row, col, ch)
X	register int	row;		/* row to place character at */
X	register int	col;		/* column to place character at */
X	char	ch;			/* character to be placed */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	register char	*cp;		/* character pointer */
X	register int	winrows;	/* number of rows in window */
X	register int	wincols;	/* number of columns in window */
X	wp = &window;
X	winrows = ((wp->endwin - wp->begwin) / wp->delta) + 1;
X	wincols = wp->endrow - wp->begrow;
X	if (row < 0) row += winrows;
X	if (col < 0) col += wincols;
X	if (((unsigned)row >= winrows) || ((unsigned)col >= wincols)) {
X		return(1);		/* out of window */
X	}
X	cp = wp->begwin + (row * wp->delta) + col;
X	if (*cp != ch) {		/* do only if char needs changing */
X		if (cp < wp->begchange) wp->begchange = cp;
X		*cp++ = ch;
X		if (cp > wp->endchange) wp->endchange = cp;
X	}
X	return(0);
//E*O*F dpyplace.c//
echo x - dpyread.c
sed -e 's/^X//' > "dpyread.c" << '//E*O*F dpyread.c//'
X#ifdef SCCS
Xstatic char *sccsid = "@(#)dpyread.c	1.11	1/27/85";
Xstatic char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by D Bell";
X#define	STDIN	0		/* standard input */
X#include "dpy.h"		/* window definitions */
Xstatic int readline();		/* default read routine */
X/* Read some input while possibly showing it in the current window.
X * If the prompt string is NULL, then editing is performed without
X * any windowing activity (useful when reading commands from scripts).
X * Otherwise, the prompt is shown in the window along with any input.
X * The given routine is called for each character, with an argument
X * which is the previous character (or -1 on the first call).
X * The routine returns the next input character, or -1 to stop reading.
X * A null routine defaults to one which reads until an end of line.
X * Scrolling of the window is automatically performed when necessary.
X * Editing of the input is handled.  If the buffer fills up, the user
X * is warned with beeps and further input is ignored.
X * Returns number of bytes of data read.
X */
Xdpyread(prompt, routine, buf, count)
X	register char	*prompt;	/* prompt string (if any) */
X	int	(*routine)();		/* routine to call to get character */
X	register char	*buf;		/* address of the storage buffer */
X	int	count;			/* maximum number of bytes allowed */
X	register struct	window	*wp;	/* window pointer */
X	register int	ch;		/* character which was read */
X	register char	*bp;		/* current buffer pointer location */
X	char	*endbp;			/* end of buffer */
X	char	redraw;			/* need to redisplay input */
X	int	promptlen;		/* length of prompt string */
X	wp = &window;
X	promptlen = 0;
X	if (prompt) promptlen = strlen(prompt);
X	if ((int)routine == 0) routine = readline;
X	bp = buf;
X	endbp = bp + count - 1;
X	redraw = 1;
X	ch = -1;
X	wp->scroll |= 0x80;
X	while (1) {
X		if (prompt && redraw) {		/* recompute window data */
X			redraw = 0;
X			dpyhome();
X			dpywrite(prompt, promptlen);
X			dpywrite(buf, bp - buf);
X			dpyclearwindow();
X		}
X		if (prompt) dpyupdate();
X		ch = routine(ch);
X		if (ch < 0) {				/* end of file */
X			wp->scroll &= ~0x80;
X			return(bp - buf);
X		}
X		if (ch == wp->ltchars.t_lnextc) {	/* literal input */
X			ch = routine(ch);
X			if (ch < 0) {
X				wp->scroll &= ~0x80;
X				return(bp - buf);
X			}
X			if (bp >= endbp) {		/* buffer is full */
X				write(1, "\07", 1);
X				continue;
X			}
X			*bp = ch;
X			if (prompt) dpywrite(bp, 1);
X			bp++;
X			continue;
X		}
X		if (ch == wp->tchars.t_eofc) {		/* end of file */
X			wp->scroll &= ~0x80;
X			return(bp - buf);
X		}
X		if (ch == wp->oldttyblk0.sg_erase) {	/* character erase */
X			if (bp <= buf) continue;
X			bp--;
X			redraw = 1;
X			continue;
X		}
X		if (ch == wp->ltchars.t_werasc) {	/* word erase */
X			if (bp <= buf) continue;
X			while ((bp > buf) && ((bp[-1] == '\n')
X				|| (bp[-1] == ' ') || (bp[-1] == '\t'))) bp--;
X			while ((bp > buf) && (bp[-1] != '\n')
X				&& (bp[-1] != ' ') && (bp[-1] != '\t')) bp--;
X			redraw = 1;
X			continue;
X		}
X		if (ch == wp->oldttyblk0.sg_kill) {	/* line erase */
X			if (bp <= buf) continue;
X			if (bp[-1] == '\n') bp--;
X			while ((bp > buf) && (bp[-1] != '\n')) bp--;
X			redraw = 1;
X			continue;
X		}
X		if (ch == wp->ltchars.t_rprntc) {	/* retype line */
X			if (prompt) dpyredraw();
X			continue;
X		}
X		if (bp >= endbp) {			/* buffer is full */
X			write(1, "\07", 1);
X			continue;
X		}
X		*bp = ch;				/* normal character */
X		if (prompt) dpywrite(bp, 1);
X		bp++;
X	}
X/* Local routine to read until end of line character is reached */
X	if ((ch == '\n') || (read(STDIN, &ch, 1) < 1)) return(-1);
X	return(ch & 0xff);
//E*O*F dpyread.c//
echo x - dpywindow.c
sed -e 's/^X//' > "dpywindow.c" << '//E*O*F dpywindow.c//'
X#ifdef SCCS
Xstatic char *sccsid = "@(#)dpywindow.c	1.3	1/17/85";
Xstatic char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by D Bell";
X#include "dpy.h"
X/* Set the row and column boundaries of the current window.
X * Negative numbers indicate backwards from last row or column.
X * The write location is set to the top left of the window.
X * Returns nonzero if arguments are out of bounds.
X */
Xdpywindow(minrow, maxrow, mincol, maxcol)
X	register int	minrow, maxrow;		/* range of rows */
X	register int	mincol, maxcol;		/* range of columns */
X	register struct	window	*wp;		/* window pointer */
X	wp = &window;
X	if (minrow < 0) minrow += wp->nrows;
X	if (maxrow < 0) maxrow += wp->nrows;
X	if (mincol < 0) mincol += wp->ncols;
X	if (maxcol < 0) maxcol += wp->ncols;
X	if (((unsigned) minrow > maxrow)
X		|| ((unsigned) maxrow >= wp->nrows)
X		|| ((unsigned) mincol > maxcol)
X		|| (maxcol >= wp->ncols)) {
X			return(1);		/* illegal */
X	}
X	wp->begwin = wp->begdata + (minrow * wp->delta) + mincol;
X	wp->endwin = wp->begwin + ((maxrow - minrow) * wp->delta);
X	wp->begrow = wp->begwin;
X	wp->endrow = wp->begrow + (maxcol - mincol + 1);
X	wp->cp = wp->begrow;
X	wp->full = 0;
X	return(0);
//E*O*F dpywindow.c//
echo x - dpy.h
sed -e 's/^X//' > "dpy.h" << '//E*O*F dpy.h//'
X * @(#)dpy.h	1.7	1/22/85
X * @(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by D Bell
X */
X#include <sys/ioctl.h>
X/* The window structure contains data describing the state of the screen.
X * The following picture shows a typical screen and window, and shows the
X * relationship of each of the character pointers in the structure.
X *
X *	A----------------------|
X *	|                      |
X *	|    C--------|        |
X *	|    |        |        |
X *	|    E     G  |F       |
X *	|    |        |        |
X *	|    D--------|        |
X *	|                      |
X *	|----------------------|
X *	B
X */
Xstruct	window	{
X	char	*begdata;		/* A: beginning of new screen image */
X	char	*enddata;		/* B: end of screen image */
X	char	*begwin;		/* C: beginning of current window */
X	char	*endwin;		/* D: last row of current window */
X	char	*begrow;		/* E: beginning of current row */
X	char	*endrow;		/* F: end of current row */
X	char	*cp;			/* G: current character pointer */
X	char	*begchange;		/* beginning of changed region */
X	char	*endchange;		/* end of changed region */
X	char	*screen;		/* the actual screen image */
X	int	nrows;			/* number of rows on screen */
X	int	ncols;			/* number of columns on screen */
X	int	delta;			/* distance between rows */
X	int	currow;			/* current row column */
X	int	curcol;			/* cursor column column */
X	int	tabsize;		/* current tab size */
X	char	nocrlf;			/* don't do automatic crlfs */
X	char	noctrl;			/* don't show control characters */
X	char	nomove;			/* don't move cursor when done */
X	char	scroll;			/* scroll screen when end reached */
X	char	inited;			/* we are initialized */
X	char	output;			/* we have output to screen */
X	char	full;			/* window is full */
X	char	tc_am;			/* cursor wraps on last column */
X	char	*tc_ho;			/* home capability */
X	char	*tc_ce;			/* clear to end of line */
X	char	*tc_cd;			/* clear to end of display */
X	char	*tc_cm;			/* move cursor */
X	char	*tptr;			/* pointer into termcap strings */
X	struct	sgttyb	oldttyblk0;	/* original tty parameters for stdin */
X	struct	sgttyb	newttyblk0;	/* new terminal parameters for stdin */
X	struct	sgttyb	oldttyblk1;	/* original tty parameters for stdout */
X	struct	sgttyb	newttyblk1;	/* new terminal parameters for stdout */
X	struct	tchars	tchars;		/* terminal characters */
X	struct	ltchars	ltchars;	/* local terminal characters */
X	char	tdata[1024];		/* buffer for termcap data */
X	char	tbuf[200];		/* strings for termcap */
Xextern	struct	window	window;		/* window structure */
//E*O*F dpy.h//
echo x - gensubs.c
sed -e 's/^X//' > "gensubs.c" << '//E*O*F gensubs.c//'
X#ifdef SCCS
Xstatic char *sccsid = "@(#)gensubs.c	1.3	1/17/85";
Xstatic char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by D Bell";
X * Generic subroutines usable on any machine.  These subroutines should
X * be replaced by assembly-level routines if possible, to make dpy run
X * as fast as possible.
X */
X * Compare two strings of a given length, and return the number of leading
X * bytes which are identical, or the length if the strings are identical.
X * Nulls are not treated specially.  Examples:
X *	strdif("hi mom", "hi pop", 6) returns 3.
X *	strdif("aaaa1", "aaaa2", 2) returns 2.
X */
Xstrdif(s1, s2, len)
X	register char	*s1;		/* first string */
X	register char	*s2;		/* second string */
X	register char	*end;		/* ending character */
X	char	*beg;			/* beginning character */
X	beg = s1;
X	end = s1 + len;
X	while ((s1 < end) && (*s1 == *s2)) {
X		s1++;
X		s2++;
X	}
X	return(s1 - beg);
X * Clear a number of bytes to spaces, from the original character location
X * up to but not including the ending location.
X */
Xclear(beg, end)
X	register char	*beg;		/* beginning of string to clear */
X	register char	*end;		/* end of string to clear */
X	while (beg < end) *beg++ = ' ';
//E*O*F gensubs.c//
echo x - m16subs.s
sed -e 's/^X//' > "m16subs.s" << '//E*O*F m16subs.s//'
X; @(#)m16subs.s	1.4	1/28/85
X; @(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by D Bell
X;machine dependent subroutines for the National 32032 microprocessor.
X;strdif - return number of bytes until two strings differ or count is reached.
X;clear	- from first address up till last address, make memory spaces.
X	.program
X	movd	16(sp),r0	;byte count
X	movd	8(sp),r1	;first string
X	movd	12(sp),r2	;second string
X	cmpsb			;compare bytes
X	subd	8(sp),r1	;get length of search
X	movd	r1,r0		;make return value
X	rxp	0		;return
X	movd	12(sp),r0	;ending address
X	movd	8(sp),r1	;beginning address
X	subd	r1,r0		;compute byte count
X	cmpqd	0,r0		;see if any to do
X	bge	done		;nope
X	addqd	-1,r0		;fix count
X	addr	1(r1),r2	;destination address
X	movb	32,0(r1)	;start with a blank
X	movsb			;fill rest too
Xdone:	rxp	0		;return
X	.endseg
//E*O*F m16subs.s//
echo x - vaxsubs.s
sed -e 's/^X//' > "vaxsubs.s" << '//E*O*F vaxsubs.s//'
X# @(#)vaxsubs.s	1.5	1/17/85
X# @(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by D Bell
X	.text
X	.globl	_strdif
X	.globl	_clear
X	.word	0x0
X	cmpc3	12(ap),*4(ap),*8(ap)	#compare the strings
X	subl3	4(ap),r1,r0		#return difference
X	ret
X	.word	0x0
X	subl3	4(ap),8(ap),r0		#number of bytes to fill
X	movc5	$0,0,$32,r0,*4(ap)	#fill the bytes
X	ret
//E*O*F vaxsubs.s//
echo done

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