REQUEST for IMMEDIATE moderation/censorship of net.sources

Bill.Stewart.4K435.x0705 wcs at ho95e.UUCP
Wed Dec 18 13:07:43 AEST 1985

In article <2722 at ut-ngp.UUCP> werner at ut-ngp.UUCP (Werner Uhrig) writes:
>the recent flood of this group with meta-discussion, flames, insults,
>and other inappropriate garble (anything but sources), partially caused
>by the lacking feature of the posting-software to prevent follow-ups to
>net.sources, leads me to request this.  Having to wade through several
>hundred articles is a good enough argument for me.
So read mod.sources if you don't like net.sources.  Followups in
net.sources are a desirable feature - unless everyone starts posting
software, followups are needed.  I agree there is too much random
discussion here (viz. this article), but there was an attempt a while
back to separate net.sources and net.sources.wanted.  It failed, but
mod.sources developed.  If you used "rn", you could look at a list of
article titles, and you could automatically kill off discussions that
you thought were boring.
# Bill Stewart, AT&T Bell Labs 2G-202, Holmdel NJ 1-201-949-0705 ihnp4!ho95c!wcs

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