Wanted: (ti)troff font desc. and raster files for Imagen.

J. Wong wong at rtech.ARPA
Fri Jan 25 05:38:52 AEST 1985

We have a Canon Imagen LBP-10 laser printer.  Does anyone know where
we can get typesetter-independent troff font descriptions and raster
files for the fonts that are available on the Imagen?  We currently
have the minimal set of fonts provided by AT&TIS and would like to get
more.  Also, any programs out there to generate raster files would be

Please mail responses to:



	Relational Technology Inc.
	2855 Telegraph Ave.
	Berkeley, CA   94705


				J. Wong



You're talking alot, but you're not saying anything.

Say something once, why say it again.

						- David Byrne

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