Interlock functions to limit multiple invocations ...

Matt Crawford matt at oddjob.UChicago.UUCP
Fri Jan 25 07:37:08 AEST 1985

# unpack with sh (or ex -- its short!)
sed 's/.//' >README << '7-8-9 EOF'
@Here are some subroutines which a program can call to limit
@multiple invocations of itself to one per user and/or N total
@invocations.  I hope the usage is clear from the comments.
@As an example, I added
@	#ifndef NROFF
@		(void)ublock(".tru");
@		(void)nblock(".trn");
@	#endif
@To the troff source file n1.c just before the setjmp.  (If you use both
@ublock() and nblock(), use them in that order!)  Then I created empty
@public-write files called /usr/spool/locks/trn.{1,2,...} to determine
@how many troff's would be allowed to run simultaneously.
@Matt		University	crawford at
@Crawford	of Chicago	ihnp4!oddjob!matt
7-8-9 EOF
sed 's/.//' >lockout.c << '7-8-9 EOF'
@#include <sys/file.h>
@#include <sys/param.h>
@#include <sys/errno.h>
@#define LOCKDIR	"/usr/spool/locks/"
@#define INITSLEEPTIME	((unsigned)10)
@#define MAXSLEEPTIME	((unsigned)30)
@extern	int	errno;
@extern	char	*strcpy(), *strcat(), *sprintf();
@/* mkblockf():
@**	Make a lock file name for nblock() or ublock().
@**	This is not declared static because the user might want to
@**	use it to look at the contents of some other lock file.
@char *
@mkblockf( buf, pref )
@char	*buf,	*pref;
@	if ( *pref == '/' )
@		*buf = '\0';
@	else
@		(void)strcpy(buf, LOCKDIR);
@	return strcat(strcat(buf, pref), ".");
@/* nblock():
@**	Block the current process until an existing lock file is
@**	opened and an exclusive lock obtained on it.  The name of
@**	the lock file is given by the concatenation of LOCKDIR
@**	(only if prefix does not begin with "/"), the argument
@**	string prefix, and a dot followed by a positive integer.
@**	To limit the number of instance of a given program which
@**	can be running simultaneously.
@**	>= 0	An fd open for writing.  The referenced file will
@**		have been truncated to zero length.
@**	< 0	Errno will be set if the operation cannot be done.
@**		The calling process should probably go ahead.
@nblock( prefix )
@char	*prefix;
@	char	namebuf[MAXPATHLEN];
@	char	*numptr;
@	(void)mkblockf(namebuf, prefix);
@	numptr = namebuf + strlen(namebuf);
@	for ( ; ; ) {
@		int	sufnum,	fd = -1;
@		unsigned	sleeptime = INITSLEEPTIME;
@		for ( sufnum=1; fd<0; sufnum++ ) {
@			(void)sprintf(numptr, "%d", sufnum);
@			if ( (fd=open(namebuf, O_RDWR, 0666)) < 0 )
@				if ( errno == ENOENT || sufnum == 1 )
@				        break;
@				else
@					continue;
@			if ( flock(fd, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) )
@				(void)close(fd), fd = -1;
@			errno=0;
@		}
@		if ( fd >= 0 )
@			return fd;
@		if ( errno && sufnum == 1 )
@			return -1;
@		sleep(sleeptime);
@		if ( sleeptime < MAXSLEEPTIME )
@			sleeptime += INITSLEEPTIME;
@	}
@/* ublock():
@**	Block the current process until a lock file is opened
@**	and an exclusive lock obtained on it.  The file will
@**	be created if it does not already exist.  The name of
@**	the lock file is given by the concatenation of LOCKDIR
@**	(only if prefix does not begin with "/"), the argument
@**	string prefix, and a dot followed by the current ruid.
@**	(It would have been the username, but troff has it's
@**	own atoi() that was messing up getpwuid().)
@**	To limit users to one instance of a given program
@**	running at a time.
@**	>= 0	An fd open for writing.  The referenced file will
@**		have been truncated to zero length.
@**	< 0	Errno will be set if the operation cannot be done.
@**		The calling process should probably go ahead.
@ublock( prefix )
@char	*prefix;
@	char	namebuf[MAXPATHLEN],
@		uidbuf[16];
@	int	fd;
@	(void)strcat(mkblockf(namebuf, prefix),
@		     sprintf(uidbuf, "%d", getuid()));
@	fd = open(namebuf, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644);
@	if ( fd >= 0 ) {
@		do
@			errno = 0;
@		while ( flock(fd, LOCK_EX) && errno == EINTR );
@		if ( errno )
@			(void)close(fd), fd = -1;
@	}
@	return fd;
7-8-9 EOF

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