MH.5 available (lengthy message)

Brandon Allbery the tame hacker on the North Coast bsa at ncoast.UUCP
Wed Jan 16 05:41:39 AEST 1985

Nice.  BUT -- I am not on the Arpanet, and we don't have a magtape drive.
Is there a way for us to get it?  Can someone put it in their uucppublic?

   Brandon Allbery @ decvax!cwruecmp!ncoast!bsa (..ncoast!tdi1!bsa business)
6504 Chestnut Road, Independence, Ohio 44131  +1 216 524 1416 (or what have you)
     Who said you had to be (a) a poor programmer or (b) a security hazard
			       to be a hacker?

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