MH.5 available (lengthy message)

Marshall Rose mrose%udel-eecis2.delaware at udel-relay.ARPA
Wed Jan 9 08:24:09 AEST 1985

    A new release of the UCI version of the Rand Message Handling (MH)
    system is available for distribution.  This release of MH is called
    "MH.5".  Here are the details:

	- MH is in the public-domain
	- MH runs on a number of versions of UNIX (4.xBSD, v7, xenix)
	  [sorry, no sys{3,5} support yet.]
	- MH runs on top of a number of mail transport systems
	  (MMDF-{I,II}, SendMail, stand-alone (with UUCP support))

    For those of you familiar with the MH distributed with 4.2BSD, MH.5
    is an extremely enhanced version.  The differences are too numerous
    too mention.

    Although MH is not "supported" per se, it does have a bug-reporting
    address, Bug-MH at UCI.  Bug reports (and fixes) are welcome, by the
    way.  There are also two Internet discussion groups, MH-Users at UCI
    and MH-Workers at UCI (somewhat analagous in charter to Info-UNIX and

    There are two ways to get a distribution:

    1. If you can FTP to the ARPAnet, use anonymous FTP to udel-huey
    [] and retrieve the file ~ftp/portal/mh.5-tar.  This is a
    tar image (2.07MB).

    2. You can send $50 to the address below.  This covers the cost of
    a magtape, handling, and shipping.  In addition, you'll get a
    laser-printed hard-copy of the MH documentation.  The documentation
    includes installation guide, MH tutorial, MH user's manual, changes
    document (mh.5->mh.5), and BBoards manual.

    If you go with option two, be sure to include your USPS address
    with your check.  Checks should be made payable to

		Regents of the University of California

    It's also a good idea (though not mandatory) to send a computer
    mail message to "Bug-MH at UCI"  when you send your check via USPS to
    ensure minimal turn-around time.  The distribution address is:

	Support Group 
	Attn: MH distribution
	Department of Information and Computer Science
	University of California, Irvine
	Irvine, CA  92717


    Sadly, if you just want the hard-copies of the documentation, you
    still have to pay the $50.00.  The tar image has the documentation
    source (the manual is in roff format, but the rest are in TeX


ps: appologies for sending this to several lists.

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