Need GKS info

Lord Kahless ccrdave at ucdavis.UUCP
Sun Jun 9 07:58:34 AEST 1985

>       I heard that somebody, a couple months  ago,  posted  where
> and how GKS can be obtained. I checked, net.sources,
> and net.... but unfortunately coudn't find  any  information.  If
> somebody  really  did,  could  you  please do it again.

This is the second such request I read today, so I will post.  Some
old friends wrote a full GKS graphics package and are selling it.
They have it running on 4.2, and I believe XENIX and System V.

Their company name is Visual Engineering (I think) and they are
in Silicon Valley.  One of the sales guys is named Dave McMurdie.
His home phone number is (415) 833-1621.  Call him for prices, specs,

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