Need GKS info

Bob Stanojevich stanojev at uvm-gen.UUCP
Fri Jun 7 03:13:20 AEST 1985

      I heard that somebody, a couple months  ago,  posted  where
and how GKS can be obtained. I checked, net.sources,
and net.... but unfortunately coudn't find  any  information.  If
somebody  really  did,  could  you  please do it again or send me
mail? We are looking  for  the  GKS  standard  specification  and
source  code  in C. At present, we have a Vax780, Vax750 (running
BSD4.2), DG Eclipse 10000 (running DG-UX), and in couple of weeks
a  few  SUN  workstations.   I called ANSI in New York City (212-
354-3300) but they told me that it  is  not  available  yet,  and
didn't have any idea when it will be.

                                         Thanx !!

Bob S. Stanojevich,Dept. of Computer Science & Electrical Engineering,
The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT   05405  
802-656-3330 ext.33
USENET --> ....!decvax!dartvax!uvm-gen!Stanojev
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