set printer name of Apple LaserWriter

reid at Cascade.ARPA reid at Cascade.ARPA
Sat Jun 8 05:32:36 AEST 1985

% This file sets (permanently, in EEROM) the built-in name for an
% Apple LaserWriter.
%	Brian Reid, Stanford
0000000		% edit this line to equal your server exit password
/Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont
100 720 moveto
serverdict begin
statusdict begin
dup checkpassword
   (Setting new printer name. Old name is: ) show 
   31 string printername show   
   showpage exitserver
} {(Sorry, wrong password!) show showpage stop} ifelse
statusdict begin
(LaserWriter) 	% edit this to the new name for your LaserWriter. 
		% Maximum length: 31 characters
setprintername end

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