set page margins on Apple LaserWriter

reid at Cascade.ARPA reid at Cascade.ARPA
Sat Jun 8 05:28:06 AEST 1985

% This file will set the X and Y margins on an Apple LaserWriter.
% 	Brian Reid, Stanford
0000000		% edit this line to equal your server exit password
/Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont
100 720 moveto
serverdict begin
statusdict begin
dup checkpassword
   (Setting new margins. Old margins were: ) show margins exch 
   10 string cvs show ( ) show 
   10 string cvs show ( ) show 
   showpage exitserver
} {(Sorry, wrong password!) show} ifelse
statusdict begin
1 32 setmargins	  % *** Edit this line. First number is top margin,
	   	  % *** second number is left margin. Both are in pixels.
		  % *** left margin must be a multiple of 16.

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