Kermit Source (in C)!!!!!!!!

Random rcb at rti-sel.UUCP
Tue Mar 5 00:28:49 AEST 1985

According to the comments in the code that I have, the person that
posted the kermit in c source is NOT the author. He is apparently
a poor misguided soul that thought that this was the best available 
for UNIX. In fact, the kermit posted is about as mininal an implementation
as it is possible to make and using it will confuse most "full" kermit
implementations (at least the ones that I use). The comment was posted
to try and prevent other users the pain of trying to use this system
when there is a much better one available (which has now been posted).

As to harrassing the author, according to the code I have, the author
of the old version and the author of the new version are the
same person. And the new version is an excellent program. I still
maintain however that the old version is a good example of a bad
hack and should not have been posted.

					Research Triangle Institute

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