Kermit Source (in C)!!!!!!!!

DARIN JOHNSON ee163acp at sdcc13.UUCP
Fri Mar 1 10:34:41 AEST 1985

> This version of kermit is an absolute piece of trash. There is a full
> server implementation of kermit available from columbia university.

Ahem...  I can see it now, hundreds of programs not posted for fear of
being ridiculed...

I feel this was a bit uncalled for.  Often people look at sources in
order to get ideas, not just to have a something they can run.  A kermit
source would be useful to discover the protocol without a lot of
research.  Often a poster may want feedback.  If people become
intimidated, programs may start being passed around person-to-person
instead of in the public domain.  (I may get burned for this, but I
that a lot of news and replies on the net are tending to get childish
and unprofessional lately)

   Darin Johnson

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