Rog-O-Matic XIV Copyright

Steve Scott scott at whuts.UUCP
Wed Mar 13 09:04:46 AEST 1985

> Michael L. Mauldin (Fuzzy)		Department of Computer Science
> Mauldin at CMU-CS-CAD.ARPA			Carnegie-Mellon University
> (412) 578-3065				Pittsburgh, PA  15213

I couldn't get through normally, so I'll ask everyone.

Awhile ago some of us here started getting into rogue, but when
we went from System V to System V.2 the binary no longer worked
properly.  Is there anyone out there who can send us the sources for
rogue?  Please, please let me know.

	Steve Scott	..!whuts!scott
	phone		(201)386-2336
	US Mail		AT&T Bell Laboratories
			Room 1A-237
			Whippany Rd
			Whippany NJ 07981

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