Rog-O-Matic XIV Copyright

Michael Mauldin mlm at cmu-cs-cad.ARPA
Sun Mar 10 06:25:11 AEST 1985

There has been some question about the copyright status of Rogomatic,
so I would like to clearly set out what is and is not permitted (and
thanks to all those people who asked before copying).

(1) You CAN copy and modify the source.
(2) You CAN give your friends copies (and they can modify and copy, too).
(3) You cannot sell or charge or otherwise make money off of it.
(3a) You can use Rog-O-Matic as a demo program on hardware you sell, as
    long as you do not distribute Rog-O-Matic for a fee.

(4) If you have a copy you MUST notify me by either electronic or regular
    US mail, unless I have mailed it directly to you.  If you give one
    to your friends, they must notify me themselves.
(5) You MUST leave intact all copyright notices and statements of authorship.

The intent of these rules is that (1) anyone who wants a copy should be
able to get one, (2) nobody should make money or take credit for our work
except for us, and (3) we want to know who has a copy.

Michael L. Mauldin (Fuzzy)		Department of Computer Science
Mauldin at CMU-CS-CAD.ARPA			Carnegie-Mellon University
(412) 578-3065				Pittsburgh, PA  15213

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