Conference-Site-Selection model program wanted

Susan Tabron stabron%xls-plexus01.amc at AMC-HQ.ARPA
Wed Mar 13 22:04:25 AEST 1985

Does anyone have a program to help in choosing the site of a conference 
based on geographical location relative to the attendees; costs of lodging;
travel costs; etc.  A program/system written for a UN*X system would be
great, but we could use it for Apples, IBM PC, IBM 370, etc. also.

Thanks in advance for any information, leads, or even hints.


				Susan Tabron    <stabron at amc-hq>
				AMC Logistics Systems Support Activity
				Chambersburg, PA 17201-4180
				(717)263-7191  AUTOVON 238-7191

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