'suspend' shell function for BRL Bourne shell with job control

Arnold Robbins arnold at nimbus.UUCP
Wed Mar 13 07:43:45 AEST 1985

Here is a quick shell function that will come in handy for those of you
who use the BRL Bourne shell with BSD job control.

suspend () {
	case "$-" in
	*J*)	set +J; kill -18 $$; set -J
	*)	kill -18 $$

Thanks to Doug Gwyn who suggested turning off job control with set +J.
Arnold Robbins
CSNET:	arnold at gatech	ARPA:	arnold%gatech.csnet at csnet-relay.arpa
UUCP:	{ akgua, allegra, hplabs, ihnp4, seismo, ut-sally, }!gatech!arnold

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