Reversal filter for HP laserjet printers

clewis at mnetor.UUCP clewis at mnetor.UUCP
Wed Mar 13 02:09:04 AEST 1985

I noticed a few days ago that several people were running into the
annoyance that the laserjet creates an output bin of backwards
printout.  Some people are using special rearrangements of the
output bin to cause the pages to flip over when printing (ugh).
I have written an lp (att line printer spooler) filter that 
reverses the order of pages.  Basically, it reads standard input
writes the output to a temp file, remembering where the start of
each page was.  Then, it rereads the temp file in reverse-page-order
(using seeks) to write the file to stdout.  In addition, the filter 
provides the capability to place arbitrary HP control sequences 
at the beginning of each page (lines starting with \001).  The 
filter shell (the second part of this shar file) gives an example of
how it can be used.  The filter shell was not written by me (I
don't know where it came from, I suspect netnews).  I have
modified it extensively from the orignal to support the new filter
(and next paragraph).  The filter supports landscape mode too 
(A font cartridge).

The filter shell also solves another grievance I'm sure that some
people are having - page height.  By default, the laser uses
the standard 6 lines per inch, but since the laser uses 1/2 inch
on all margins, you only get 60 lines per page.  The filter shell
issues appropriate top-of-page commands to change the line
spacing so that (even in landscape mode) you get precisely 66
lines per page.

Please let me know if you find any bugs.

Note: the banner page is always right-side-up in 66 lines per page
mode.  Subsequent pages can be anything you want.

Note: this is in production on a Pyramid, System V universe and on
a VME10 running UNIX V/68.

echo 'Start of pack.out, part 01 of 01:'
echo 'x - laserfilter.c'
sed 's/^X//' > laserfilter.c << '/'
X	Laser filter - reverses page order.  Takes standard
X	input and reverses page order to place on standard output.
X	Any line beginning with a ^A denotes a control sequence
X	to be emitted at the beginning of each subsequent page.
X	-t gives debugging output.
Xstatic char SrcId[] = "%Z% %M%:%I%";
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <string.h>
X#define	FF	0x0c
X#define	PAGCONT	001
X#define	LPERPAG	66	/* change if you fiddle around with page lengths */
X#define	MAXLEN	5120	/* maximum line length */
Xtypedef struct	line_desc {
X	long	ld_offset;
X	char	*ld_pagcntrl;
X	long	ld_count;
X	struct	line_desc *ld_prev;
X} LD;
Xchar *Progname;
XLD *last = NULL;
Xchar	buf[MAXLEN];
XLD *LDalloc();
Xmain(argc, argv)
Xint	argc;
Xchar	**argv; {
X	FILE *f;
X	register LD *p;
X	register long offset;
X	register short recvd;
X	register int lines_pg = LPERPAG;
X	register char	*ffp;
X	char	*oldpagcntrl = NULL;
X	char *pagehdr = NULL;
X	char *malloc();
X	int debugFlag = 0;
X	Progname = argv[0];
X	if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-t") == 0) {
X		argv++;
X		argc--;
X		debugFlag = 1;
X	}
X	strcpy(buf, "");
X	f = tmpfile();
X	offset = 0;
X	recvd = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != 0;
X	p = LDalloc();
X	while(recvd && buf[0]) {
X		ffp = NULL;
X		/* if the line is a page control line ... */
X		if (buf[0] == PAGCONT) {
X			int ctrllen;
X			ctrllen = strlen(buf);
X			if (buf[ctrllen-1] == '\n') buf[ctrllen-1] = '\0';
X			/* remember page control for this and subsequent
X			   pages */
X			p->ld_pagcntrl = malloc(ctrllen);
X			if (!p->ld_pagcntrl) {
X				fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate control\n");
X				exit(1);
X			}
X			strcpy(p->ld_pagcntrl, buf+1);
X			oldpagcntrl = p->ld_pagcntrl;
X			goto nextline; /* sorry! */
X		}
X		if ((ffp = strchr(buf, FF)) || p->ld_count == lines_pg) {
X			p = LDalloc();
X			p->ld_pagcntrl = oldpagcntrl;
X			/* if (ffp) => we found a FF.  We break the line
X			   into two parts:
X				1) before the FF - if any, we write it out
X				   terminated with a new-line and increment
X				   previous page's line count.
X				2) after the FF: copy it into "buf" and
X				   do this whole thing again.
X			   Note: the FF is deleted, and explicitly emitted
X				 during output phase */
X			if (ffp) {
X				register char *cp = buf;
X				/* calculate offset of first character past
X				   FF in output file - beginning of new page */
X				offset = p->ld_offset = offset + ffp - buf;
X				/* copy out first part of line, if any */
X				while(cp < ffp) fputc(*cp++, f);
X				/* if there was something before the
X				   FF, increment count of previous page and
X				   output a newline to terminate reread.
X				   update both cur-page and total offset
X				   to reflect the fact that we added a char.
X				*/
X				if (ffp != buf) {
X					p->ld_prev->ld_count++;
X					fputc('\n', f);
X					offset++;
X					p->ld_offset++;
X				}
X				/* copy the tail of the buffer over and
X				   do this all again */
X				strcpy(buf, ffp+1);
X				continue;
X			} else {
X				p->ld_offset = offset;
X				p->ld_count = 1;
X			}
X		} else
X				p->ld_count++;
X		offset += strlen(buf);
X		fputs(buf, f);
X	    nextline:
X		recvd = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != 0;
X	}
X	while(p) {
X		register int len = p->ld_count;
X		fseek(f, p->ld_offset, 0);
X		if (p->ld_count == 0)
X			goto skipit;
X		if (debugFlag) {
X			printf("offset: %ld count: %ld\n", p->ld_offset,
X				p->ld_count);
X			if (p->ld_pagcntrl)
X				printf("control: %s\n", p->ld_pagcntrl);
X		}
X		if (len > 0 && p->ld_pagcntrl)
X			fputs(p->ld_pagcntrl, stdout);
X		while (--len >= 0) {
X			fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f);
X			fputs(buf, stdout);
X			if (debugFlag)
X				break;
X		}
X		if (p->ld_count < lines_pg)
X			putc(FF, stdout);
X	    skipit:
X		p = p->ld_prev;
X	}
X	exit(0);
XLDalloc() {
X	register LD *p;
X	extern char *malloc();
X	p = (LD *) malloc(sizeof(LD));
X	if (!p) {
X		fprintf("%s: cannot allocate memory\n", Progname);
X		exit(1);
X	}
X	if (last == NULL) {
X		last = p;
X		p->ld_prev = NULL;
X	} else {
X		p->ld_prev = last;
X		last = p;
X	}
X	p->ld_pagcntrl = NULL;
X	p->ld_offset = 0;
X	p->ld_count = 0;
X	return(p);
echo 'x - laserjet'
sed 's/^X//' > laserjet << '/'
X# lp interface for hp 2686A laserjet printer
X#	Modified for use with reversal filter by:
X#		Chris Lewis, Mar 12, 1985
X#       If the filter is not executable, then this interface will disable
X#       the lp printer which it was called to service.
X#       The following options are recognized:
X#       -f      Use the 450 filter.
X#       -b      Don't print a banner page.
X#       -c      Use compressed print.
X#       -e      Use expanded print.
X#       -l      Use landscape instead of portrait mode.
X#	-p	Don't do any filtration/settings
Xprinter=`basename $0`
Xfor i in $5
Xcase "$i" in
X	b | -b) banner=off
X		;;
X	c | -c) compress=on
X		;;
X	e | -e) expand=on
X		;;
X	f | -f)	filter=/usr/bin/450
X		reverse=off
X		;;
X	l | -l) landscape=on
X		;;
X	p | -p) filter=/bin/cat
X		reverse=off
X		;;
Xif [ -n "$filter" -a ! -x $filter ]
X        disable -r"can't execute $filter filter" $printer
X        exit 1
Xstty 9600 -tabs -parenb -cstopb cs8 istrip cread opost onlcr ixon -ixany ff0 cr0 nl0 0<&1
Xtabs -0
Xif [ "$reverse" = "on" ]
X	echo "\001\c"               # issue filter command
Xecho "\033E\c"                      # Reset printer
Xecho "\033&l66P\c"                  # Page length of 66 lines
Xecho "\033&l2E\c"                   # Top margin of 2 lines
Xecho "\033&l7.6C\c"                 # Vertical motion index of 7.6
Xecho "\033&l66F\c"                  # Text length of 66 lines
Xif [ "$reverse" = "on" ]
X	echo                        # terminate filter command
Xif [ "$banner" = "on" ]
X	echo "$x\n$x\n$x\n$x\n"
X	banner "$2"
X	echo "\n"
X	user=`grep "^$2:" /etc/passwd | line | cut -d: -f5`
X	if [ -n "$user" ]
X	then
X		echo "User: $user\n"
X	else
X		echo "\n"
X	fi
X	echo "Request id: $1    Printer: $printer\n"
X	date
X	echo "\n"
X	if [ -n "$3" ]
X	then
X		banner $3
X	fi
X	echo "\014\c"
Xif [ "$reverse" = "on" -a "${landscape}${compress}${expand}" != "offoffoff" ]
X	echo "\001\c"            # Turn on filter page control
X	echo "\033E\c"           # Reset printer
Xif [ "$landscape" = "on" ]
X	echo "\033&l1O\c"        # Turn on landscape mode
X#	Set up page
X	echo "\033&l66P\c"       # Page length of 66 lines
X	echo "\033&l2E\c"        # Top margin of 2 lines
X	echo "\033&l5.4545C\c"   # Vertical motion index of 5.4545
X	echo "\033&l66F\c"       # Text length of 66 lines
X#	Select font:
X	echo "\033(8U\c"         # Roman-8
X	echo "\033(s0p16.66h8.5v0s-1b0T\c" 
X                                 # Previous gobbledegook was:
X                                 # Primary font fixed spacing (s0p)
X                                 # 16.66 pitch (16.66h)
X                                 # 8.5/72" vertical spacing (8.5v)
X                                 # "light -1" (-1b)
X                                 # lineprinter (0T)
Xif [ "$expand" = "on" ]
X	echo "\033(5H\c"
Xif [ "$compress" = "on" ]
X	echo "\033(16H\c"
Xif [ "$reverse" = "on" -a "${landscape}${compress}${expand}" != "offoffoff" ]
X	echo                     # Turn off filter page control
Xshift; shift; shift; shift; shift
Xwhile [ $i -le $copies ]
X        for file in $files
X        do
X                cat "$file" 2>&1
X		echo '\014\c'
X        done
X        i=`expr $i + 1`
X) | $filter
Xif [ $errcode -ne 0 ]
X        disable -r"error code $errcode from $filter filter" $printer
X        exit 1
Xexit 0
echo 'Part 01 of pack.out complete.'
Chris Lewis, Motorola New Enterprises
SNail: 560 Dennison, Unit 9, Markham, Ontario, Canada, L3R 2M8
UUCP: {allegra, linus, ihnp4}!utzoo!utcs!mnetor!clewis
BELL: (416)-475-1300 ext. 321

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