source for vnews and rn

Stephen L. Bulick bulick at bambi.UUCP
Thu May 30 03:46:51 AEST 1985

In asking a friend to help me locate the source for vnews, which I know
was posted to net.sources some time ago, I was advised that a new
news reader called rn, supposedly more impressive than vnews, was
recently posted to net.sources and/or mod.sources. I guess I missed
it by recently changing systems and being out of touch for a little

I'd appreciate a copy of either the source for rn (and associated
README, etc) or the source for vnews, if anyone managed to save
either or both.

Thanks in advance.

			Steve Bulick

			Bell Communications Research
			435 South Street, MRE 2A-274
			Morristown, NJ   07960
			(201) 829-4580

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