Need CP/M Kermit and Unix Modem7

Andrew Scholnick andrew at tyxpdp.UUCP
Fri May 31 00:28:24 AEST 1985


I am very much in need of some public domain source code for
one or both of the following:
		1) Kermit comm. utility for CP/M (Osborne 1)
		2) Modem7 comm. utility for UN*X (PDP 11/44, HP 9000/500, Gould, Plexus)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Ideally I would like to get the 'C'
source code over the net if anyone out there has it.  Thanks in advance.

"Adventure is when you toss your life on the scales of chance and wait
	 for the pointer to stop." - Murray Leinster (First Contact)

Everything herein is probably trademarked or copyrighted by somebody
to whom I should appologise or something but they could probably care less
anyway as long as I mention their name (therefore - consider it mentioned).

                         Andrew R. Scholnick
                         TYX Corporation, Reston, Va.

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