As long as we are taliking about rmgrouping ...

stanly at unmvax.UUCP stanly at unmvax.UUCP
Fri Nov 1 10:28:03 AEST 1985

> has been posted (they don't run sendmail).  In general, there isn't a
> need for all the sites to have all the software peole want to post.  If
> someone wants software they should mail the authors for it.
> Subsequently, mod.sources can be used for the posting of *announcements*
> of available software.

I have a question... If I made a new version of hack 9001 and posted:
 Hay! I have a hack! send me mail if you want one.

I get 300 letters saying : "I want hack".  I then send out 300
 copies at ~600K for each one or 180Mg of data.  Thats about
 (at 1200 Baud) 16 days worth of phone time for my machine

> A good example would be the posting of the news sources.  The majority
> of sites are not running the latest version of news, and have no
> intentions of converting to the newest news when the newest news
> arrives.  They need not be burdened with the news sources typing up
> their phone lines and occupying their disk space.  When they want to
> upgrade, they can request the news sources by mail.

Golly...  I just made a new version of news.  100 people want it.
 15 of them have paths that are through ihnp4.  Well... 15 sources of news
 for a while in ihnp4's spool directory will not be that bad.

> To sum up, net.sources.* should be rmgrouped.  Mod.sources.* should
> remain, with stict controls on the content of the group by the
> moderator.  Submitters should be *encouraged strongly* to post requests
> for or advertisements of software, and only in extreme cases of need
> should large sources be posted to the net.  This goes for the posting of
> bugs and shareware as well.
> -- 
> It's like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under.
> Greg Skinner (gregbo)
> {decvax!genrad, allegra, ihnp4}!mit-eddie!gds
> gds at

 Sending out sources in little packets is far worse then sending it out in
 one packet.  You can always turn off your net.sources on your machine.

Send me mail . . . I   L O V E  mail

          Josh Siegel


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