As long as we are taliking about rmgrouping ...

Ken Arnold%CGL arnold at ucsfcgl.UUCP
Fri Nov 1 05:21:36 AEST 1985

In article <136 at vcvax1.UUCP> eli at vcvax1.UUCP (eli) writes:
>If the traffic on net.sources is too much to handle and the group is
>functioning within its charter (that is, the mega-posting are considered
>"appropriate" according to the wording of the charter, whatever that may be)
>then the charter should be changed. Perhaps (if it is not like this already)
>people should offer sources, like:
>	"Hey. I have a program that brews coffee backwards and sends mail too"
>To which people could respond by e-mail.

Not to jump on Eli, but this ain't too cool an idea.  The problem
is that twenty different users downstream from gatech (or whatever) are going
to want copies, and then gatech will get 20 different copies transmitted
through it, not just one.  Thus, backbones pay *more* for the services.
This is, of course, also a problem with having mod.sources only post
announcements, too.

The only solution is to eliminate net.sources.* in favor of mod.sources.*

		Ken Arnold

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