?? free or shareware editor & terminal emulator for Apple IIe ??

J|rgen N|rgaard jnp at daimi.UUCP
Sat Nov 2 02:39:59 AEST 1985

I am posting for a friend who does not have acces to the net.

>Are there free or ShareWare editors for Apple IIe around (nice
>formatting and so on) ??
>By the way does anybody know if there are a "kermit" or other
>terminal-emulators including at least some support for file-
As we can not download directly from the net to the IIe, please 
tell wether you are willing to make a copy on a 5 1/4" disk
if necessary.
Please answer by e-mail.

				Thanks in advance
				J|rgen N|rgaard
                                e-mail: ....{seismo!}mcvax!diku!daimi!jnp

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