IBM PC Kermit/H19 Termcap entry

tweten at AMES-NAS.ARPA tweten at AMES-NAS.ARPA
Sat Nov 16 09:41:54 AEST 1985

From: Scott Deerwester <scott at UChicago.ARPA>

	The following is a termcap entry that does a little
	better than the standard h19 entry for Kermit's h19
	emulation.  Differences from standard include:

		No non-destructive tab.
		No enter/exit visual mode strings (the mysterious
		  "y4" when you exit anything that uses curses).
		No autowrap.

If you really need these changes, you have an old version of MS-Kermit.
Destructive tab and no autowrap were fixed at least by version 2.27.  The
current version (2.28) includes a command (suitable for the MS-Kermit
configuration file) which sets the default state for autowrap.  Version
2.28 also honors Esc-y-4 and Esc-x-4 to change the cursor between block
and underscore.

Even in version 2.27, one could control autowrap.  Though 2.27 didn't have
the command to set the default state, it did respond to Esc-v and Esc-w to
set and clear autowrap.  All that was required was to change "is" to include

Code has also been sent to Columbia which will permit MS-Kermit to honor
the commands to permit Berkeley UNIX to manipulate the 25th line, but it
hasn't yet been included in a release.

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