IBM PC Kermit/H19 Termcap entry

Scott Deerwester scott at gargoyle.UUCP
Fri Nov 15 05:29:03 AEST 1985

The following is a termcap entry that does does a little
better than the standard h19 entry for Kermit's h19
emulation.  Differences from standard include:

	No non-destructive tab.
	No enter/exit visual mode strings (the mysterious
	  "y4" when you exit anything that uses curses).
	No autowrap.

Unfortunately, the only reliable way to tell termcap that
there's no non-destructive tab is to assert that there are
no hardware tabs at all.

To use this setting, save it in a file, say "~/.termcap".
If you use csh, somewhere in your .cshrc or .login you
should say:

	set term = kermit
	setenv TERMCAP ~/.termcap

If you use sh, you should have the following in your

	export TERMCAP

--- cut here ---
h19-k|kermit|kermit h19 emulator:\
	Scott Deerwester
	Graduate Library School
	University of Chicago

...!ihnp4!gargoyle!scott	UUCP
scott at UChicago.CSNet		CSNet
scott at UChicago.ARPA		ARPA

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