rmgrouping net.sources (mod.sources)

jpn at teddy.UUCP jpn at teddy.UUCP
Mon Nov 4 01:06:58 AEST 1985

>>>The only solution is to eliminate net.sources.* in favor of mod.sources.*
>>The problem with mod.anything has always been that the moderator
>>'evaluates' the posting.
>Why not a system where the moderator does not try to "evaluate" what he/she
>gets but simply stores it, whatever it be (good or bad) and then posts a short
>article telling what it is and where to get it.  Follow-on items (like bug
>fixes, etc.) would be kept in association with the source, of course.

Thank you for the suggestion - and are you also volunteering to help
moderate mod.sources?!?  I don't have infinite time - I am already spending
more time than I like dealing with people who did not recieve articles
intact over the net, or who want to retrieve something from the archives.

Unless such access is automated, it is quite unreasonable to ask anyone
to do this.

By the way, I don't currently "evaluate" sources, except to verify that
they arrived intact, and they are indeed source code.

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