"command" posting on mod.sources

John P. Nelson jpn at panda.UUCP
Tue Nov 5 00:49:43 AEST 1985

[ I am forwarding this for lsuc!dave - jpn at panda, moderator, mod.sources ]

I think the posting of the routine which does a system() faster
is fine, BUT. It's not compatible with the shell because of
the requirements that a file name follow '>' with no spaces, and
so on. Would it have been that hard to change it? The primary
value of system() is, in my experience, in interactive programs,
where you store the user's input line (!whatever...) into "buffer"
and run system(buffer+1); or whatever. I'm concerned that people will
take this posted comman() routine, use it the same way, and then
their applications users will get hurt unexpectedly by having a
"shell" command which doesn't quite work.


Dave Sherman
The Law Society of Upper Canada

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