As long as we are taliking about rmgrouping ...

Daniel R. Levy levy at ttrdc.UUCP
Sat Nov 2 09:48:57 AEST 1985

In article <5647 at amdcad.UUCP>, jimb at amdcad.UUCP (Jim Budler) writes:
>In article <687 at ucsfcgl.UUCP> arnold at ucsfcgl.UUCP (Ken Arnold) writes:
>>Not to jump on Eli, but this ain't too cool an idea.  The problem
>>The only solution is to eliminate net.sources.* in favor of mod.sources.*
>>		Ken Arnold
>The problem with mod.anything has always been that the moderator
>'evaluates' the posting.  His criteria will vary according to:
>	1) His beliefs.
>	2) How much time he has.
>What happened to 'the free interchange of ideas'.  Can't you gurus come
>up with a mechanism of control which does not depend on your placing
>people of your choice in a position of power to control the flow of
>ideas and expressions to the rest of us out here?
> Jim Budler

Why not a system where the moderator does not try to "evaluate" what he/she
gets but simply stores it, whatever it be (good or bad) and then posts a short
article telling what it is and where to get it.  Follow-on items (like bug
fixes, etc.) would be kept in association with the source, of course.

Someone objected that this could create a lot more uucp traffic than does
netnews, for a popular source.  Unfortunately this could be true for a
local situation, though at least a lot of sites that could not care less
about that source might then not be burdened.  Perhaps a "chain-letter"
distribution could be worked out where if several people on one machine or
a closely tied group of machines put in requests for a source while a long
distance from the moderator, one of them would be sent the source with a
request to pass a copy on to the other people who requested it in that
group.  This might produce some problems if somebody forgets or is just plain
hostile, but the others would be sent a brief note from the moderator telling
them that this has been initiated, and at the worst, the moderator would
need to send another copy if somebody complained it had been lost or for-
gotten.  In order for this to work, perhaps a buffer period of a few days
for requests for a given source would be maintained by the moderator.

Is this all wet, or what???
 -------------------------------    Disclaimer:  The views contained herein are
|       dan levy | yvel nad      |  my own and are not at all those of my em-
|         an engihacker @        |  ployer or the administrator of any computer
| at&t computer systems division |  upon which I may hack.
|        skokie, illinois        |
 --------------------------------   Path: ..!ihnp4!ttrdc!levy

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