As long as we are taliking about rmgrouping ...

Bob Van Cleef revc at gwsd.UUCP
Sat Nov 9 08:54:39 AEST 1985

> > I propose that we remove net.sources and only allow the posting of
> > sources in mod.sources.* for the following reasons:

I would like net.sources to go away for a different reason.  Somewhere
along the road someone is not forwarding net.sources, but we are getting
mod.sources.  That means I do not get a chance to see all of the 'neat'
things that do not make it to mod.sources.

Bob Van Cleef			{ihnp4|akgua|decvax|dcdwest|ucbvax}
(619) 457-2701			       ...sdcsvax!gwsd!revc
Gateway Computer Systems	      CompuServe - [71565,533]
4980 Carroll Canyon Road
San Diego, CA 92121

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