As long as we are taliking about rmgrouping ...

Jim Omura jimomura at lsuc.UUCP
Mon Nov 11 03:10:44 AEST 1985

     Usenet has grown to the point where it can become a burden on
the backbone systems.  Putting more weight on the 'moderators', who
generally derive little benefit for their efforts won't alleviate
the problem.  Commercial systems can justify the extra work and thus
put up with more 'abuse' (the word really isn't the right word for
the situation, but I can't think of a better one).

     I don't think the 'free interchange of ideas' can work is a
non-homogeneous crowd 'for free'.  As a moderator on BIX and a user
of Compuserve, as much as I would prefer 'free' systems, I think
Commercial systems are the future.

James Omura, Barrister & Solicitor, Toronto
Byte Information eXchange: jimomura
Compuserve: 72205,541

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