As long as we are taliking about rmgrouping ...

Robert A. Pease rap at oliven.UUCP
Tue Nov 12 14:20:37 AEST 1985

> The problem with mod.anything has always been that the moderator
> 'evaluates' the posting.  His criteria will vary according to:
> 	1) His beliefs.
> 	2) How much time he has.
> What happened to 'the free interchange of ideas'.  Can't you gurus come
> up with a mechanism of control which does not depend on your placing
> people of your choice in a position of power to control the flow of 
> ideas and expressions to the rest of us out here?
> -- 
>  Jim Budler
>  Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
>  (408) 749-5806
>  Usenet: {ucbvax,decwrl,ihnp4,allegra,intelca}!amdcad!jimb
>  Compuserve:	72415,1200

I have to agree with Jim.  I have been away from the net for  a  while
due to lack of time.  I've spot checked from time to time and found an
alarming rate of moderated news groups croping up.

If this keeps up I just won't start reading the net anymore.  I  think
a  lot  of other people will feel the same way. ( The best way to kill
something is to  strangle  it  through  a  moderator.  No  offense  to
moderators. )

I can't take the time to go through 400 to 500 line digests when  only
20  lines  will  be  of interest to me.  And I've seen this in the new
moderated newsgroups.  I've just unsubscribed to most of them for this

I also can't take the time to argue against the ideas of  people  like
Ken  Arndt  who's  posting  prompted  the  reply  that this folowup is
replying to.  I just don't like his ideas.  They seem very restrictive
and opressive to me.

This reply is too long.  Hit your "n" now.

					Robert A. Pease

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