As long as we are taliking about rmgrouping ...

Ron Natalie <ron> ron at brl-sem.ARPA
Sun Nov 3 15:30:27 AEST 1985

> The problem with mod.anything has always been that the moderator
> 'evaluates' the posting.  His criteria will vary according to:
> 	1) His beliefs.
> 	2) How much time he has.
> What happened to 'the free interchange of ideas'.  

Free interchange of ideas?  While I am generally opposed to moderated
discussion groups for these reasons, these arguemnts just do not hold
water for the sources groups.  The source groups are by definition, not
discussion groups and a year or so ago we actually split off discussion
groups like the bug-group and the wanted-group to keep discussions out
of net.sources.  It is not going to hurt the free exchange of ideas any
if the latest version of the terminal lock-up program takes three or four
days to get past the moderators busy schedule.  And it doesn't take a whole
lot of insight on the part of the moderator to determine what is source and
what is misposted.

I heartily cast my vote that such archival groups such as net.sources.*
and the proposed net.doc group be moderated.


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