Troff to ConceptWriter Filter tcw.1

Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX caf at omen.UUCP
Wed Oct 2 23:08:33 AEST 1985

The following is the man page description of TCW, a program and font
width tables to allow TROFF to drive a ConceptWriter laser printer.
The program sources are available for *free* downloading from Omen
Technology's "Telegodzilla" system (described below).  This combination
has been used to "typeset" the latest version of the Professional-YAM
user's manual as well as various and sundry man pages.
------//Cut Here//-------
.fp 1 XR
.fp 2 XR
.fp 3 XR
.fp 4 S
.lg 0
tcw - translate Troff to ConceptWriter\*(Tm
[\-a N]
[\-C N]
[\-n N]
[\-s N]
[\-S N]

Tcw translates the C/A/T phototypesetter codes emitted by troff
to ANSI X3.64 codes acceptable to the Concept Technology
.B ConceptWriter
laser printer.
It translates
.I file
(or standard input)
to the standard output.
All the available point sizes are supported, including italic, bold,
underlining, and the line drawing characters used by tbl.
Tcw does not use any floating point or long integer arithmetic.

The following options are supported by tcw.
.PD 0
.B "a N"
Abort/alarm if a page is not output after N seconds,
default no alarm.
.B "C N"
Make N copies of each page.
.B g
Graphics font override.
This is the default.
.B "n N"
Print only N pages, then exit.
.B r
Use a Raster font if one is available at the current point size.
.B "s N"
Skip the first N pages.
.B "S N"
Feed the first N pages from the manual sheet feeder, the rest from
the cassette.
.B v
Verbose generates debugging output, more v\'s give more debugging
.B w
Wait for a carriage return after each page is output.
Ligatures are not supported (use .lg 0).
The font width tables must be loaded with .fp requests.
Dashes are full width.
A raster font supporting Greek and math characters will be available in
the next firmware revision.
Cut marks are not entirely eliminated.
The ConceptWriter is a low cost full graphics full bit map laser printer
using the Canon laser engine.
The ConceptWriter supports Bit Map, ANSI X3.64, VDI, Diablo,
Landscape Printer,
and Tektronix 4014 
(portrait or landscape)
graphics codes with a 1.28 MB bit map, giving continuous 300 dot per inch
resolution on legal size or smaller pages.
The ConceptWriter includes serial and parallel interfaces.
	Concept Technology Inc
	POB 5277
	Portland OR 97208
	1-800-631-2692   503-684-3314
	Chuck Forsberg
	Omen Technology Inc
	17505-V NW Sauvie Island RD
	Portland OR 97231
Special thanks to
Henry Spencer for the C/A/T description that facilitated the development
of this software, and Chris Lewis for ideas from his
.I lcat

The set of sources is available on
.B Telegodzilla,
Omen Technology's
Professional-YAM software downloading system at 503-621-3746.
They are located in the
.I "tcw"
directory and may be downloaded with
any reasonable XMODEM or Kermit program.
No special account or password is required to access
.B Telegodzilla.
------//Cut Here//-------
  Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX   ...!tektronix!reed!omen!caf   CIS:70715,131
Omen Technology Inc     17505-V NW Sauvie Island Road Portland OR 97231
Home of Professional-YAM, the most powerful COMM program for the IBM PC
Voice: 503-621-3406     Modem: 503-621-3746 (Hit CR's for speed detect)
omen Any ACU 1200 1-503-621-3746 se:--se: link ord: Giznoid in:--in: uucp

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